Reputation: 72739
I have the following graph, which is essentially two distributions' histograms plotted alongside each other:
my.barplot <- function( df, title="", ... ) {
df.count <- aggregate( df$outcome, by=list(df$category1,df$outcome), FUN=length )
colnames( df.count ) <- c("category1","outcome","n") <- aggregate( df.count$n, by=list(df.count$category1), FUN=sum )
colnames( ) <- c("category1","total")
df.dens <- merge(df.count,
df.dens$dens <- with( df.dens, n/total )
p <- ggplot( df.dens, aes( x=outcome, fill=category1 ), ... )
p <- p + geom_bar( aes( y=dens ), position="dodge" )
p <- p + opts( axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90,hjust=0), title=title )
N <- 50*(2*8*2)
outcome <- sample(ordered(seq(8)),N,replace=TRUE,prob=c(seq(4)/20,rev(seq(4)/20)) )
category2 <- ifelse( outcome==1, sample(c("yes","not"), prob=c(.95,.05)), sample(c("yes","not"), prob=c(.35,.65)) )
dat <- data.frame(
I'd like to plot within each bar the proportion belonging to some second category. Absent the need to organize it by the first category, I would just stack the bars. However, I can't figure out how to stack by a second category. Basically within each outcome-category1 bar I want the proportion in category2 to be darker shaded.
Here's a GIMP'd image of what I'm trying to create:
Upvotes: 6
Views: 4546
Reputation: 27349
Base graphics?!? NEVERRRR
Here's what I've come up with. I admit I had a hard time understanding all your aggregation and prep, so I just aggregated to counts and may have gotten that all wrong - but it seems like you're in a position where it might be easier to start from a functioning plot and then get the inputs right. Does this do the trick?
# Aggregate
dat.agg <- ddply(dat, .var = c("category1", "outcome"), .fun = summarise,
cat1.n = length(outcome),
yes = sum(category2 %in% "yes"),
not = sum(category2 %in% "not")
# Plot - outcome will be x for both layers
ggplot(dat.agg, aes(x = outcome)) +
# First layer of bars - for category1 totals by outcome
geom_bar(aes(weight = cat1.n, fill = category1), position = "dodge") +
# Second layer of bars - number of "yes" by outcome and category1
geom_bar(aes(weight = yes, fill = category1), position = "dodge") +
# Transparency to make total lighter than "yes" - I am bad at colors
scale_fill_manual(value = c(alpha("#1F78B4", 0.5), alpha("#33A02C", 0.5))) +
# Title
opts(title = "A pretty plot <3")
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 72739
Well, I gave it a shot but haven't made a ton of progress beyond putting the appropriate densities in the same data.frame:
my.barplot <- function( df, title="", legend.title="",... ) {
df.count12 <- aggregate( df$outcome, by=list(df$category1,df$category2,df$outcome), FUN=length )
colnames( df.count12 ) <- c("category1","category2","outcome","n") <- aggregate( df.count12$n, by=list(df.count12$category1), FUN=sum )
colnames( ) <- c("category1","total")
# Densities within a bar - Categories 1 & 2
df.dens12 <- merge(df.count12,
df.dens12$dens12 <- with( df.dens12, n/total )
# Total bar height - Category 1 density
df.count1 <- aggregate( df.dens12$n, by=list(df.dens12$category1,df.dens12$outcome), FUN=sum )
colnames( df.count1 ) <- c("category1","outcome","n")
df.dens1 <- merge(df.count1,
df.dens1$dens1 <- with(df.dens1, n/total)
# Merge both into the final dataset
df.dens <- merge(df.dens12,df.dens1,all.x=TRUE,by=c("category1","outcome"))
df.dens <- subset(df.dens, select=c(-total.x) )
colnames( df.dens ) <- sub("\\.x","12",colnames(df.dens))
colnames( df.dens ) <- sub("\\.y","1",colnames(df.dens))
# Plot
ymax <- max(df.dens$dens1)
# Plot 1: category1
p <- ggplot( df.dens, aes( x=outcome, fill=category1 ), ... )
p1 <- p + geom_bar( aes( y=dens1 ), position="dodge" )
p1 <- p1 + opts( axis.text.x=theme_text(angle=-90,hjust=0), title=title )
if(legend.title!="") { p1 <- p1 + scale_colour_discrete(name=legend.title) }
# Plot 2: category2
p2 <- p1 + geom_bar( aes( y=dens12, fill=category2 ), position="stack", stat="identity" )
N <- 50*(2*8*2)
outcome <- sample(ordered(seq(8)),N,replace=TRUE,prob=c(seq(4)/20,rev(seq(4)/20)) )
category2 <- ifelse( outcome==1, sample(c("yes","not"), prob=c(.95,.05)), sample(c("yes","not"), prob=c(.35,.65)) )
dat <- data.frame(
my.barplot(dat, title="Test title", legend.title="Medical system")
Comparing my attempts with the link, it's clear that he's putting the third dimension (x=outcome, dodge=category1, stack=category2) alongside using the grid layout, whereas I really need the third dimension stacked inside the second dimension. I think I may have reached the point where ggplot2 is being tortured too much and I should just write out a function using base graphics. Woe.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 21502
I like @MattP's comment; I'd only add that an alternative to alpha()
is to specify transparency directly. For example, #FF0000 is solid color and #FF000033 is pale/partially transparent color.
As always, searching through may help you find some code to create the exact style of graph you're after.
Upvotes: 1