Reputation: 2263
I have a 100 .dat files like the one in the left hand pane, which I need to import without headers and then sort rows.
ANSWER for doing it manually, file by file:
data=sortrows(data,2); #sort all columns of data via the 2nd col
[x ~] = textscan (fid, '%f %f', 'HeaderLines', 4); # reads file correctly
v(:,1)=cell2mat(x(:,1)); # convert from cell to array
v=sortrows(v,2); # sort rows according to column 2
% fig
How can I extend this to all the files in my directory? Perhaps giving each imported variable the file name... if possible. Regards,
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1939
Reputation: 4416
On a posix system, an individual file can be sorted using
sort -k 2 /tmp/sortme.txt
The output will be written to stdout.
If you want to sort a group of files, you would wrap everything in a for loop:
for i in *.dat
sort -k 2 $i > $i.tmpsort -k 2
mv $i.tmp > $i
(in this example, make sure that you don't have any pairs of original input files that are named x.dat and x.dat.tmp, or you'll clobber x.dat.tmp).
Here's a version written in Perl, which should be portable your system (whatever you're running...). The script strips all lines which do not start with the digits 0-9.
#! /usr/bin/perl
use strict;
sub getcol2 {
$_[0] =~ /\d+\.?\d*\s+(-?\d+\.\d+)/;
print "$1\n";
return( $1 );
for my $file ( @ARGV ) {
my $INPUT;
my @data;
open($INPUT, "<", $file) or die "Cannot open '$file' for input: $!";
while( <$INPUT> ) {
#print "$_";
push @data, $_ if(/^\d/);
close $INPUT;
@data = sort { getcol2( $b ) <=> getcol2( $a ) } @data;
open( $OUTPUT, ">", $file );
for my $line ( @data ) {
print $OUTPUT $line;
close( $OUTPUT );
I've called it '', it can be called as
perl *.dat
It will overwrite data files; make sure that you back up the originals.
Upvotes: 1