Reputation: 7490
I use the following method to replace variables in a testscript (simplified):
Dim myDict
Set myDict = createobject("scripting.dictionary")
mydict.add "subject", "testobject"
mydict.add "name", "callsign"
mydict.add "testobject callsign here", "Chell"
mydict.add "subject hometown here", "City 17"
Class cls_simpleReplacer
Private re_
Public Sub Class_Initialize
Set re_ = new regexp = true
re_.pattern = "\{[a-zA-Z][\w ]*\}"
End Sub
Public Function Parse(myString)
dim tStr
tStr = re_.replace(myString, getref("varreplace"))
' see if there was a change
If tStr <> myString Then
' see if we can replace more
tStr = Parse(tStr)
End If
Parse = tStr
End Function
End Class
Private Function varreplace(a, b, c)
varreplace = mydict.Item(mid(a, 2, len(a) - 2))
End Function
MsgBox ((new cls_simpleReplacer).Parse("Unbelievable. You, {{subject} {name} here}, must be the pride of {subject hometown here}!"))
' This will output `Unbelievable. You, Chell, must be the pride of City 17!`.
In the varreplace, I have to strip the braces {}
, making it ugly (when I change the pattern to double braces for example, I have to change the varreplace function)
Is there a method to put the braces in the pattern, but without including them in the replacement string? I want to use a generic varreplace
function without bothering about the format and length of the variable identifiers.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 976
Reputation: 38775
To get rid of the {}, change the pattern to
re_.pattern = "\{([a-zA-Z][\w ]*)\}"
and the replace function to:
Private Function varreplace(sMatch, sGroup1, nPos, sSrc)
varreplace = mydict(sGroup1)
End Function
Capturing the sequence between the braces by using (plain) group capture () and adding a parameter to the function makes the dictionary key immediately accessible.
Upvotes: 1