Reputation: 26167
I'm trying to get regex for minimum requirements of a password to be minimum of 6 characters; 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, and 1 number. Seems easy enough? I have not had any experience in regex's that "look ahead", so I would just do:
if(!pwStr.match(/[A-Z]+/) || !pwStr.match(/[a-z]+/) || !pwStr.match(/[0-9]+/) ||
pwStr.length < 6)
//was not successful
But I'd like to optimize this to one regex and level up my regex skillz in the process.
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Views: 5446
Reputation: 4635
I haven't tested thoroughly but here's a more efficient version of Amit's. I think his also allowed unspecified characters into the mix (which wasn't technically listed as a rule). This one won't go berserk on you if you accidentally target a large hunk of text, it will fail sooner on strings that are too long and it only allows the characters in the final class.
'.' should be used sparingly. Think of the looping it has to do to determine a match with all the characters it can represent. It's much more efficient to use negating classes.
There's nothing wrong with trying to find the ideal regEx. But split it up when you need to.
RegEx tends to be explained poorly. I'll add a breakdown:
a - a single 'a' character
ab - a single 'a' character followed by a single b character
a* - 0 or more 'a' characters
a+ - one or more 'a' characters
a+b - one or any number of a characters followed by a single b character.
a{6,} - at least 6 'a' characters (would match more)
a{6,10} - 6-10 'a' characters
a{10} - exactly 10 'a' characters iirc - not very useful
^ - beginning of a string - so ^a+ would not math 'baaaa'
$ - end of a string - b$ would not find a match 'aaaba'
[] signifies a character class. You can put a variety of characters inside it and every character will be checked. By itself only whatever string character you happen to be on is matched against. It can be modified by + and * as above.
[ab]+c - one or any number of a or b characters followed by a single c character
[a-zA-Z0-9] - any letter, any number - there are a bunch of \<some key> characters representing sets like \d for 'digits' I'm guessing. \w iirc is basically [a-zA-Z_]
note: '\' is the escape key for character classes. [a\-z] for 'a' or '-' or 'z' rather than anything from a to z which is what [a-z] means
[^<stuff>] a character class with the caret in front means everything but the characters or <stuff> listed - this is critical to performance in regEx matches hitting large strings.
. - wildcard character representing most characters (exceptions are a handful of really old-school whitespace characters). Not a big deal in very small sets of characters but avoid using it.
(?=<regex stuff>) - a lookahead. Doesn't move the parser further down the string if it matches. If a lookahead fails, the whole match fails. If it succeeds, you go back to the same character before it. That's why we can string a bunch together to search if there's at least one of a given character.
^ - at the beginning followed by whatever is next
(?=[^0-9]{0,9}[0-9]) - look for a digit from 0-9 preceded by up to 9 or 0 instances of anything that isn't 0-9 - next lookahead starts at the same place
etc. on the lookaheads
[0-9a-zA-Z@#$%]{6,10} - 6-10 of any letter, number, or @#$% characters
No '$' is needed because I've limited everything to 10 characters anyway
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 34385
Assuming that a password may consist of any characters, have a minimum length of at least six characters and must contain at least one upper case letter and one lower case letter and one decimal digit, here's the one I'd recommend: (commented version using python syntax)
re_pwd_valid = re.compile("""
# Validate password 6 char min with one upper, lower and number.
^ # Anchor to start of string.
(?=[^A-Z]*[A-Z]) # Assert at least one upper case letter.
(?=[^a-z]*[a-z]) # Assert at least one lower case letter.
(?=[^0-9]*[0-9]) # Assert at least one decimal digit.
.{6,} # Match password with at least 6 chars
$ # Anchor to end of string.
""", re.VERBOSE)
Here it is in JavaScript:
re_pwd_valid = /^(?=[^A-Z]*[A-Z])(?=[^a-z]*[a-z])(?=[^0-9]*[0-9]).{6,}$/;
Additional: If you ever need to require more than one of the required chars, take a look at my answer to a similar password validation question
Edit: Changed the lazy dot star to greedy char classes. Thanks Erik Reppen - nice optimization!
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 6354
^.*(?=.{6,})(?=.*[a-zA-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[!&$%&? "]).*$
here is the website that you can check this regex -
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 7141
My experience is if you can separate out Regexes, the better the code will read. You could combine the regexes with positive lookaheads (which I see was just done), but... why?
Ok, ok, so if you have some configuration file where you could pass string to compile into a regex (which I've seen done and have done before) I guess it is worth the hassle. But otherwise, Even if the answers provided are corrected to match what you need, I'd still advise against it unless you intend to create such a thing. Separate regexes are just so much nicer to deal with.
Upvotes: 2