Reputation: 1861
I'm trying to implement predicate which will works in mode with all variables not substituted sum(X,Y,Z) will generate all numbers which fill that conditional X+Y=Z. Well actually i can generate list of next numbers in that way.
lisst([_|Y]) :- lisst(Y).
fill([0|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([1|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([2|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([3|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([4|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([5|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([6|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([7|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([8|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
fill([9|Xs]) :- fill(Xs).
concat_number(D,N) :- concat_number(D,N,0).
concat_number([H|T],N,M) :- M1 is M*10+H, concat_number(T,N,M1).
sum2(X,Y,Z) :-lisst(X),fill(X),lisst(Y),fill(Y),concat_number(X,X1), concat_number(Y,Y1), Z is X1 + Y1.
and my ask to prolog is ?- sum2(X,Y,Z). but it does not work well only Y number is changing.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 308
Reputation: 363627
The behavior you encounter is due to Prolog's depth-first search control algorithm: because Y
has an infinite number of values, Prolog never backtracks beyond the choice point for it. You should implement an iterative deepening search algorithm, like
length(XY, _), % backtrack over lists in order of length
X=[_|_], % constrain X and Y to be non-empty
append(X, Y, XY), % break XY into X and Y
fill(XY), % fill X and Y in one go
Z is I+J.
Upvotes: 3