Reputation: 3873
So how can I only allow a user to select only one checkbox?
I know radio buttons are "ideal", but for my's not.
I have a field where users need to select either or of the two options, but not both. The problem is that I need my users to also be able to unselect their option, and this is where radio buttons fail because once you select the group, you have to choose an option.
I will be validating the info via php, but I'd still like to restrict the users to one answer if they want to give it.
Upvotes: 174
Views: 916030
Reputation: 76
groupingThis will work for all .one-option
inputs. It groups checkboxes by name
. If the inputs don't have a name
attribute, any number of checkboxes can be checked.
You just need to copy the following js code and run it on load:
document.querySelectorAll("[type='checkbox'][name]").forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener("change", function() {
if (this.checked) {
document.querySelectorAll(`[type='checkbox'][name='${this.getAttribute("name")}`).forEach(item => {
if (item != this) {
item.checked = false;
<input type="checkbox" class="one-option" name="group1">
<input type="checkbox" class="one-option" name="group1">
<input type="checkbox" class="one-option" name="group1">
<input type="checkbox" class="one-option" name="group2">
<input type="checkbox" class="one-option" name="group2">
<input type="checkbox" class="one-option" name="group2">
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 947
There are already a few answers to this based on pure JS but none of them are quite as concise as I would like them to be.
Here is my solution based on using name tags (as with radio buttons) and a few lines of javascript.
function onlyOne(checkbox) {
var checkboxes = document.getElementsByName(
checkboxes.forEach((item) => {
if (item !== checkbox) item.checked = false
<input type="checkbox" name="check" onclick="onlyOne(this)">
<input type="checkbox" name="check" onclick="onlyOne(this)">
<input type="checkbox" name="check" onclick="onlyOne(this)">
<input type="checkbox" name="check" onclick="onlyOne(this)">
Upvotes: 50
Reputation: 557
The Code snippet below demonstrates a simple approach for selecting only one checkbox in a group using JQuery .
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<h3>Demonstration of Checkbox Toggle</h3>
A<input type="checkbox" name="A" >
B<input type="checkbox" name="B" >
C<input type="checkbox" name="C" >
D<input type="checkbox" name="D" >
1<input type="checkbox" name="1" >
2<input type="checkbox" name="2" >
3<input type="checkbox" name="3" >
Scarlet Ibis<input type="checkbox" name="Scarlet Ibis" >
Cocrico <input type="checkbox" name="Cocrico" >
hummingbird <input type="checkbox" name="hummingbird" >
function toggle(choices,name)
for( i=0;i<choices.length;i++)
if(name !=choices[i])
$('input[name="' + choices[i] + '"]').not(this).prop('checked', false);
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function()
var letters = ["A","B","C","D"];
var numbers = ["1", "2", "3"];
var birds = ["Scarlet Ibis", "Cocrico", "hummingbird"];
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 10887
Checkbox Group
var group_=(el,callback)=>{
<input type="checkbox" name="check" >
<input type="checkbox" name="check" >
<input type="checkbox" name="check" >
<input type="checkbox" name="check">
checkbox simple without loop
var last;
<input type="checkbox" name="myRadios" value="1" /> 1
<input type="checkbox" name="myRadios" value="2" /> 2
Group By Single Div
var group_=(el,callback)=>{
var group_el=document.querySelectorAll("*[data-name] > input")
<div data-name="check">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox">
css single group div
var last;
<div data-name="check">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" /> 1
<input type="checkbox" value="2" /> 2
var last;
<div data-name="check">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" /> 1
<input type="checkbox" value="2" /> 2
Upvotes: 4
With plain old javascript.
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" id="groupname1" onClick="toggle(1,'groupname')"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" id="groupname2" onClick="toggle(2,'groupname')" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" id="groupname3" onClick="toggle(3,'groupname')" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" id="diffGroupname1" onClick="toggle(1,'diffGroupname')"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" id="diffGroupname2" onClick="toggle(2,'diffGroupname')" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" id="diffGroupname3" onClick="toggle(3,'diffGroupname')" />
function toggle(which,group){
var counter=1;
var checkbox=document.getElementById(group+counter);
edit: also possible
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" class="groupname" onClick="toggle(this,'groupname')"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" class="groupname" onClick="toggle(this,'groupname')" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" class="groupname" onClick="toggle(this,'groupname')" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" class="diffGroupname" onClick="toggle(this,'diffGroupname')"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" class="diffGroupname" onClick="toggle(this,'diffGroupname')" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" class="diffGroupname" onClick="toggle(this,'diffGroupname')" />
function toggle(which,theClass){
var checkbox=document.getElementsByClassName(theClass);
for(var i=0;i<checkbox.length;i++){
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 1463
My version: use data attributes and Vanilla JavaScript
<div class="test-checkbox">
Group One: <label>
<input type="checkbox" data-limit="only-one-in-a-group" name="groupOne" value="Eat" />Eat</label>
<input type="checkbox" data-limit="only-one-in-a-group" name="groupOne" value="Sleep" />Sleep</label>
<input type="checkbox" data-limit="only-one-in-a-group" name="groupOne" value="Play" />Play</label>
<br />
Group Two: <label>
<input type="checkbox" data-limit="only-one-in-a-group" name="groupTwo" value="Fat" />Fat</label>
<input type="checkbox" data-limit="only-one-in-a-group" name="groupTwo" value="Comfort" />Comfort</label>
<input type="checkbox" data-limit="only-one-in-a-group" name="groupTwo" value="Happy" />Happy</label>
let cbxes = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"][data-limit="only-one-in-a-group"]');
[...cbxes].forEach((cbx) => {
cbx.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
if (
function uncheckOthers (clicked) {
let name = clicked.getAttribute('name');
// find others in same group, uncheck them
[...cbxes].forEach((other) => {
if (other != clicked && other.getAttribute('name') == name)
other.checked = false;
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 14468
While JS is probably the way to go, it could be done with HTML and CSS only.
Here you have a fake radio button which is really a label for a real hidden radio button. By doing that, you get exactly the effect you need.
#uncheck>input { display: none }
input:checked + label { display: none }
input:not(:checked) + label + label{ display: none }
<div id='uncheck'>
<input type="radio" name='food' id="box1" />
<label for='box1'>◎</label>
<label for='box0'>◉</label>
<input type="radio" name='food' id="box2" />
Ice cream
<label for='box2'>◎</label>
<label for='box0'>◉</label>
<input type="radio" name='food' id="box0" checked />
See it here:
Now, that assumes you need non-selectable labels.
If you were willing to include the labels, you can technically avoid repeating the "uncheck" label by changing its text in CSS, see here:
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 292
//Here is a solution using JQuery
<input type = "checkbox" class="a"/>one
<input type = "checkbox" class="a"/>two
<input type = "checkbox" class="a"/>three
$('.a').on('change', function() {
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 82186
And without jQuery, for a checkbox structure like this:
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_1" name="blubb_1" value="">--- Bitte auswählen ---
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_2" name="blubb_2" value="7">Testtracker
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_3" name="blubb_3" value="3">Kundenanfrage
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_4" name="blubb_4" value="2">Anpassung
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_5" name="blubb_5" value="1" checked="checked" >Fehler
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_6" name="blubb_6" value="4">Bedienung
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_7" name="blubb_7" value="5">Internes
<input type="checkbox" id="mytrackers_8" name="blubb_8" value="6">Änderungswunsch
you would do it like this:
/// attach an event handler, now or in the future,
/// for all elements which match childselector,
/// within the child tree of the element maching parentSelector.
function subscribeEvent(parentSelector, eventName, childSelector, eventCallback) {
if (parentSelector == null)
throw new ReferenceError("Parameter parentSelector is NULL");
if (childSelector == null)
throw new ReferenceError("Parameter childSelector is NULL");
// nodeToObserve: the node that will be observed for mutations
var nodeToObserve = parentSelector;
if (typeof (parentSelector) === 'string')
nodeToObserve = document.querySelector(parentSelector);
var eligibleChildren = nodeToObserve.querySelectorAll(childSelector);
for (var i = 0; i < eligibleChildren.length; ++i) {
eligibleChildren[i].addEventListener(eventName, eventCallback, false);
} // Next i
function allDescendants(node) {
if (node == null)
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
var child = node.childNodes[i];
} // Next i
// IE 11 Polyfill
if (!Element.prototype.matches)
Element.prototype.matches = Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector;
if (node.matches) {
if (node.matches(childSelector)) {
// console.log("match");
node.addEventListener(eventName, eventCallback, false);
} // End if ((<Element>node).matches(childSelector))
// else console.log("no match");
} // End if ((<Element>node).matches)
// else console.log("no matchfunction");
} // End Function allDescendants
// Callback function to execute when mutations are observed
var callback = function (mutationsList, observer) {
for (var _i = 0, mutationsList_1 = mutationsList; _i < mutationsList_1.length; _i++) {
var mutation = mutationsList_1[_i];
// console.log("mutation.type", mutation.type);
// console.log("mutation", mutation);
if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
for (var i = 0; i < mutation.addedNodes.length; ++i) {
var thisNode = mutation.addedNodes[i];
} // Next i
} // End if (mutation.type == 'childList')
// else if (mutation.type == 'attributes') { console.log('The ' + mutation.attributeName + ' attribute was modified.');
} // Next mutation
}; // End Function callback
// Options for the observer (which mutations to observe)
var config = { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true };
// Create an observer instance linked to the callback function
var observer = new MutationObserver(callback);
// Start observing the target node for configured mutations
observer.observe(nodeToObserve, config);
} // End Function subscribeEvent
function radioCheckbox_onClick()
// console.log("click", this);
let box = this;
if (box.checked)
let name = box.getAttribute("name");
let pos = name.lastIndexOf("_");
if (pos !== -1) name = name.substr(0, pos);
let group = 'input[type="checkbox"][name^="' + name + '"]';
// console.log(group);
let eles = document.querySelectorAll(group);
// console.log(eles);
for (let j = 0; j < eles.length; ++j)
eles[j].checked = false;
box.checked = true;
box.checked = false;
function radioCheckbox()
// on instead of document...
let elements = document.querySelectorAll('input[type="checkbox"]')
for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; ++i)
// console.log(elements[i]);
elements[i].addEventListener("click", radioCheckbox_onClick, false);
} // Next i
} // End Function radioCheckbox
function onDomReady()
console.log("dom ready");
subscribeEvent(document, "click",
// radioCheckbox();
if (document.addEventListener) document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDomReady, false);
else if (document.attachEvent) document.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", onDomReady);
else window.onload = onDomReady;
function onPageLoaded() {
console.log("page loaded");
if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", onPageLoaded, false);
else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", onPageLoaded);
else window.onload = onPageLoaded;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 71
Here is a simple HTML and JavaScript solution I prefer:
//js function to allow only checking of one weekday checkbox at a time:
function checkOnlyOne(b){
var x = document.getElementsByClassName('daychecks');
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if(x[i].value != b) x[i].checked = false;
Day of the week:
<input class="daychecks" onclick="checkOnlyOne(this.value);" type="checkbox" name="reoccur_weekday" value="Monday" />Mon
<input class="daychecks" onclick="checkOnlyOne(this.value);" type="checkbox" name="reoccur_weekday" value="Tuesday" />Tue
<input class="daychecks" onclick="checkOnlyOne(this.value);" type="checkbox" name="reoccur_weekday" value="Wednesday" />Wed
<input class="daychecks" onclick="checkOnlyOne(this.value);" type="checkbox" name="reoccur_weekday" value="Thursday" />Thu
<input class="daychecks" onclick="checkOnlyOne(this.value);" type="checkbox" name="reoccur_weekday" value="Friday" />Fri
<input class="daychecks" onclick="checkOnlyOne(this.value);" type="checkbox" name="reoccur_weekday" value="Saturday" />Sat
<input class="daychecks" onclick="checkOnlyOne(this.value);" type="checkbox" name="reoccur_weekday" value="Sunday" />Sun <br /><br />
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 10400
If someone need a solution without an external javascript libraries you could use this example. A group of checkboxes allowing 0..1 values. You may click on the checkbox component or associated label text.
<input id="mygroup1" name="mygroup" type="checkbox" value="1" onclick="toggleRadioCheckbox(this)" /> <label for="mygroup1">Yes</label>
<input id="mygroup0" name="mygroup" type="checkbox" value="0" onclick="toggleRadioCheckbox(this)" /> <label for="mygroup0">No</label>
- - - - - - - -
function toggleRadioCheckbox(sender) {
// RadioCheckbox: 0..1 enabled in a group
if (!sender.checked) return;
var fields = document.getElementsByName(;
for(var idx=0; idx<fields.length; idx++) {
var field = fields[idx];
if (field.checked && field!=sender)
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 283
May this code helps you.
$('.slectOne').on('change', function() {
$('.slectOne').not(this).prop('checked', false);
$('#result').html($(this).data( "id" ));
$('#result').html($(this).data( "id" ));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="1 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="2 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="3 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="4 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="5 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="6 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="7 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="8 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="9 selected"/>
<input type="checkbox" class="slectOne" data-id="10 selected"/>
<span id="result"></span>
Working link Click here
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 9
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
angular.module('app', []).controller('appc', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.selected = 'male';
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="appc">
<label>SELECTED: {{selected}}</label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="selected=='male'" ng-true-value="'male'" ng-model="selected">Male
<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="selected=='female'" ng-true-value="'female'" ng-model="selected">Female
<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="selected=='other'" ng-true-value="'other'" ng-model="selected">Other
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 55
Building up on billyonecan's answer, you can use the following code if you need that snippet for more than one checkbox (assuming they have different names).
$('').on('change', function() {
var name = $(this).attr('name');
$('input[name='+name+'].one').not(this).prop('checked', false);
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 119
Example With AngularJs
<script src=""></script>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
angular.module('app', []).controller('appc', ['$scope',
function($scope) {
$scope.selected = 'other';
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="appc">
<label>SELECTED: {{selected}}</label>
<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="selected=='male'" ng-true-value="'male'" ng-model="selected">Male
<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="selected=='female'" ng-true-value="'female'" ng-model="selected">Female
<input type="checkbox" ng-checked="selected=='other'" ng-true-value="'other'" ng-model="selected">Other
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 20250
You'd want to bind a change()
handler so that the event will fire when the state of a checkbox changes. Then, just deselect all checkboxes apart from the one which triggered the handler:
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function() {
$('input[type="checkbox"]').not(this).prop('checked', false);
As for grouping, if your checkbox "groups" were all siblings:
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
<input type="checkbox" />
You could do this:
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function() {
$(this).siblings('input[type="checkbox"]').prop('checked', false);
If your checkboxes are grouped by another attribute, such as name
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group1[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group2[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group3[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group3[]" />
<input type="checkbox" name="group3[]" />
You could do this:
$('input[type="checkbox"]').on('change', function() {
$('input[name="' + + '"]').not(this).prop('checked', false);
Upvotes: 139
Reputation: 7019
This snippet will:
// the selector will match all input controls of type :checkbox
// and attach a click event handler
$("input:checkbox").on('click', function() {
// in the handler, 'this' refers to the box clicked on
var $box = $(this);
if ($":checked")) {
// the name of the box is retrieved using the .attr() method
// as it is assumed and expected to be immutable
var group = "input:checkbox[name='" + $box.attr("name") + "']";
// the checked state of the group/box on the other hand will change
// and the current value is retrieved using .prop() method
$(group).prop("checked", false);
$box.prop("checked", true);
} else {
$box.prop("checked", false);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="checkbox" class="radio" value="1" name="fooby[1][]" />Kiwi</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="radio" value="1" name="fooby[1][]" />Jackfruit</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="radio" value="1" name="fooby[1][]" />Mango</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="radio" value="1" name="fooby[2][]" />Tiger</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="radio" value="1" name="fooby[2][]" />Sloth</label>
<input type="checkbox" class="radio" value="1" name="fooby[2][]" />Cheetah</label>
Upvotes: 229
Reputation: 26380
$("#myform input:checkbox").change(function() {
$("#myform input:checkbox").attr("checked", false);
$(this).attr("checked", true);
This should work for any number of checkboxes in the form. If you have others that aren't part of the group, set up the selectors the applicable inputs.
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 943480
Radio buttons are ideal. You just need a third "neither" option that is select by default.
Upvotes: 28