Reputation: 335
I have a function to generate doubles in a range:
let gen_doublein =
fun mx mn -> Arb.generate<float> |> Gen.suchThat ( (>) mx ) |> Gen.suchThat ( (<) mn )
and then a function to generate an array of 2 of these:
let gen_params:Gen<double array> =
gen { let! x = gen_doublein 0.0 20000.0
let! y = gen_doublein 0.0 2000.0
return [| x;y|] }
I put:
static member arb_params = Arb.fromGen gen_params
in the Generator class and register it. All seems OK. To test that this is all OK I have:
let f2 (xs:double array) :double= exp (-2.0*xs.[0]) + xs.[1]*exp (-2.0*xs.[0])
let fcheck fn xs = fn xs > 0.0
then using an array generator 'arrayOfLength':
Check.Quick (Prop.forAll (arrayOfLength 2) (fcheck f2))
works as expected, however:
Check.Quick (Prop.forAll (Generators.arb_params) (fcheck f2))
just starts doing some calculation and never comes back. f# gurus please help.
Upvotes: 5
Views: 2477
Reputation: 1208
Rewritten a sample from @b1g3ar5 this way
let mapRangeNormal (min : float<_>, max : float<_>) x =
match x with
| _ when Double.IsNaN x -> (min + max) / 2.0
| _ when Double.IsPositiveInfinity x -> max
| _ when Double.IsNegativeInfinity x -> min
| _ -> min + (max - min) * (sin x + 1.0) / 2.0
let mapRangeUniform (min : float<_>, max : float<_>) x =
match x with
| _ when Double.IsNaN x -> (min + max) / 2.0
| _ when Double.IsPositiveInfinity x -> max
| _ when Double.IsNegativeInfinity x -> min
| _ when x < 0.0 ->
let newRange = max - min
min - x * (newRange / Double.MaxValue) - newRange / 2.0
| _ -> let newRange = max - min
min + x * (newRange / Double.MaxValue) + newRange / 2.0
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 21
The problem was the parameters were the wrong way round. Tomas's suggestion is a good one, and there are some helper functions to implement it.
// Another id function
let fd (d:double) = d
// Check that it is in bounds
let mn=1.0
let mx=5.0
let fdcheck d = (fd d <= mx) && (fd d >= mn)
// Run the check with the numbers generated within the bounds
Check.Quick (Prop.forAll (Arb.fromGen ( (fun x->
match x with
| _ when Double.IsNaN x -> (mn+mx)/2.0
| _ when x> 1e+17 ->mx
| _ when x< -1e17 ->mn
| _ -> mn + (mx-mn)*(sin x+1.0)/2.0
) Arb.generate<double>
) fdcheck
Here I have a function which passes the test if the parameter is generated correctly. I'm not sure Tomas's idea with integers works because I think that a lot of small integers are generated and so the doubles don't explore the domain much - but maybe somebody who knows FSCheck might enlighten us.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 243051
I did not try this, but I think the problem is that the generator creates float
values randomly and then checks whether they match the predicate you specified (the range). This means that it has to generate a large number of floats before it (randomly) generates one that matches.
It would be easier to generate values in a specified range by generating float
values in a range [0 .. 1]
and then re-scaling them to match the range you need.
I'm not familiar with FsCheck enough, so I don't know if there is a generator for [0 .. 1] floating-point range, but you could start by generating integers and transforming them to floats:
let gen_doublein mx mn = gen {
let! n = Arb.generate<int>
let f = float n / float Int32.MaxValue
return mx + (f * (mn - mx)) }
EDIT I see that you solved the problem already. I think the solution I posted might still be relevant for smaller ranges (where the random generator does not produce enough matching values soon enough).
Upvotes: 4