Reputation: 7960
I've spent almost 2 days with this error.
if ($_FILES['userfile']['error'] !== 4) {
$this -> load -> library('upload');
$settings = array('upload_path' => '././images/yeniler', 'allowed_types' => 'jpg|jpeg');
$this -> upload -> initialize($settings);
$dosya = $this -> upload -> do_upload();
$upload_data = $this -> upload -> data('userfile');
if ($dosya) {
$dosyaadi = $upload_data['file_name'];
$formverileri['yeniler_resim'] =$dosyaadi;
$formverileri = array('yeniler_baslik' => $this -> input -> post('yeniler_baslik'), 'yeniler_detay' => $this -> input -> post('yeniler_detay'));
if ($guncelle = $this -> yeniler_model -> updateData($formverileri)) {
$this -> session -> set_flashdata("sonuc", "oldu");
redirect(base_url() . "admin_yeniler/duzenle/" . $this -> input -> post('yeniler_id'));
} else {
The problem is, I can not assing value of $upload_data['file_name']
into $formverileri['yeniler_resim']
... When I check array's seperatly with print_r, I see exactly correct indexes and values. But I can NOT add $formverileri['yeniler_resim']
to my updating array...
Edit: ONLY IF file is UPLOADED I want to assing $upload_data['file_name'] to $formverileri['yeniler_resim']. I could duplicate my update function (which is $this->yeniler_model->updateData($formverileri)) but that wouldn't be a good practise. Just why I can't add new index to an existing array in a certain condition??
Upvotes: 0
Views: 134
Reputation: 7804
When you define new array like $formverileri = array(..
you older value of that variable is replaced by new araay that u defined.
Try this code
if ($dosya) {
$dosyaadi = $upload_data['file_name'];
$formverileri['yeniler_resim'] = $dosyaadi;
$formverileri['yeniler_baslik'] = $this -> input -> post('yeniler_baslik');
$formverileri['yeniler_detay'] = $this -> input -> post('yeniler_detay');
Upvotes: 1