Reputation: 89043
I want to use Vim's soft wrap capability (:set wrap
) to wrap some code at 80 characters, regardless of my actual window width.
I haven't been able to find a way to do this yet - all the soft wrapping seems tied to the width of the window
and wrapmargin
are both for hard wrapping (they insert newline characters into the file):vertical resize 80
(possibly with :set breakat=
to allow breaks on any character) on one of them sort of works (even though it's a bit hackish), but breaks when using :set number
as the line numbers take up a variable number of columns (depending on the file length) and these are part of the 80.Is there any way to do this in vim? It doesn't look promising, according to other sources.
Right now my approximation is just to have /^.\{80}\zs.\+
as my default search so it's at least highlighted. I thought about adding a :syntax
item for it, but that broke when it overlapped other syntax items, so I dropped that idea.
Upvotes: 161
Views: 50729
Reputation: 344
Combining eborisch's answer with some other answers I found here and things I had to work around, I came up with the following two-part solution:
This first part makes it easier to edit text with long lines:
" Allow enabling by running the command ":Freeform", or <leader>sw
command! Softwrap :call SetupSoftwrap()
map <Leader>sw :call SetupSoftwrap() <CR>
func! SetupFreeform()
" Use setlocal for all of these so they don't affect other buffers
" Enable line wrapping.
setlocal wrap
" Only break at words.
setlocal linebreak
" Turn on spellchecking
setlocal spell
" Make jk and 0$ work on visual lines.
nnoremap <buffer> j gj
nnoremap <buffer> k gk
nnoremap <buffer> 0 g0
nnoremap <buffer> $ g$
" Disable colorcolumn, in case you use it as a column-width indicator
" I use: let &colorcolumn = join(range(101, 300), ",")
" so this overrides that.
setlocal colorcolumn=
" cursorline and cursorcolumn don't work as well in wrap mode, so
" you may want to disable them. cursorline highlights the whole line,
" so if you write a whole paragraph on a single line, the whole
" paragraph will be highlighted. cursorcolumn only highlights the actual
" column number, not the visual line, so the highlighting will be broken
" up on wrapped lines.
setlocal nocursorline
setlocal nocursorcolumn
With this alone you can get decent text wrapping for writing something like markdown, or a Readme.
As noted in other answers, getting wrapping at an exact column width requires telling vim exactly how many columns there are, and overwriting that each time vim gets resized:
command! -nargs=? Draft :call SetupDraftMode(<args>)
func! SetupDraftMode()
" I like 80 columns + 4 for line numbers
set columns=84
autocmd VimResized * if (&columns > 84) | set columns=84 | endif
There are still a couple of problems with this:
set shm+=I
to disable that promptDraft
function above to take a column width as an argument, or use a global variable (g:explicit_vim_width
?) that can be set manually if your window size changes.Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 3404
There is no good way to do it. We can hack a makeshift setlocal softwrap
with autocmd
if we modify @eborisch answer. If we resize every time we enter a buffer, and we resize to a particular length when the local variable softwrap
is set, we get the desired behaviour.
Let's suppose that we want to soft wrap to 80 columns, we can write the following in .vimrc
augroup softwrap
autocmd VimResized * if (exists('b:softwrap') && &columns > 80) | set columns=80 | endif
autocmd BufEnter * set columns=999
augroup END
To turn on the mode for a particular buffer, use the following commands:
let b:softwrap=1
set columns=80
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 72926
You could
:set numberwidth=6
and :set columns=86
(or with the mouse) to the proper size. If you edit a file with a million lines in it, you may have trouble, but that's unlikely. You're wasting 6 columns of screen real estate this way too. So there are still all kinds of problems.
You can highlight past the 80th column using :match
like it says here and here.
Beyond that I can't see any way to do this. Seems like it'd be a nice feature though.
Upvotes: 47
Reputation: 676
Try this:
set columns=80
autocmd VimResized * if (&columns > 80) | set columns=80 | endif
set wrap
set linebreak
set showbreak=+++
You can remove the if (&columns > 80) |
if you always want 80 columns.
Upvotes: 31
Reputation: 28153
Have you tried 'linebreak'
*'linebreak'* *'lbr'* *'nolinebreak'* *'nolbr'*
'linebreak' 'lbr' boolean (default off)
local to window
{not in Vi}
{not available when compiled without the |+linebreak|
If on Vim will wrap long lines at a character in 'breakat' rather
than at the last character that fits on the screen. Unlike
'wrapmargin' and 'textwidth', this does not insert <EOL>s in the file,
it only affects the way the file is displayed, not its contents. The
value of 'showbreak' is used to put in front of wrapped lines.
This option is not used when the 'wrap' option is off or 'list' is on.
Note that <Tab> characters after an <EOL> are mostly not displayed
with the right amount of white space.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 438
I don't have a solution to the soft wrap, but as for marking a column, as of Vim 7.3 (released 2010-08-15) :set colorcolumn=80
will highlight column 80. The color will depend on your syntax file.
See Vim 80 column layout concerns, :h colorcolumn
Upvotes: 18