Reputation: 11
I am new to this blog when it comes to posting, although I have found many answers here. I am an older version of tcl installed on the linux box at work and it doesn't support IPv6. I need to test some IPv6 features using tcl, and need to open IPv6 sockets. I proceeded to do so using python, but my problem is communicating back and forth between tcl and python.
I implemented a server on Python and a client that talks to that server on tcl. The problem I am facing is the ability to do the following from tcl: read from python --> write to python --> read from python --> write to python...... (you get the point)
I tried to do using fileevent and vwait, but it didn't work. Has anyone done that before?
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Views: 3168
Reputation: 6661
Python server:
import socket
host = ''
port = 45000
s = socket.socket()
s.bind((host, port))
print "Listening on port %d" % port
while 1:
sock, addr = s.accept()
print "Connection from", sock.getpeername()
while 1:
data = sock.recv(4096)
# Check if still alive
if len(data) == 0:
# Ignore new lines
req = data.strip()
if len(req) == 0:
# Print the request
print 'Received <--- %s' % req
# Do something with it
resp = "Hello TCL, this is your response: %s\n" % req.encode('hex')
print 'Sent ---> %s' % resp
except socket.error, ex:
print '%s' % ex
except KeyboardInterrupt:
TCL client:
set host ""
set port 45000
# Connect to server
set my_sock [socket $host $port]
# Disable line buffering
fconfigure $my_sock -buffering none
set i 0
while {1} {
# Send data
set request "Hello Python #$i"
puts "Sent ---> $request"
puts $my_sock "$request"
# Wait for a response
gets $my_sock response
puts "Received <--- $response"
after 5000
incr i
puts ""
Output of the server:
$ python
Listening on port 45000
Connection from ('', 1234)
Received <--- Hello Python #0
Sent ---> Hello TCL, this is your response: 48656c6c6f20507974686f6e202330
Received <--- Hello Python #1
Sent ---> Hello TCL, this is your response: 48656c6c6f20507974686f6e202331
Output of the client:
$ tclsh85 tcl_client.tcl
Sent ---> Hello Python #0
Received <--- Hello TCL, this is your response: 48656c6c6f20507974686f6e202330
Sent ---> Hello Python #1
Received <--- Hello TCL, this is your response: 48656c6c6f20507974686f6e202331
Upvotes: 1