Reputation: 3453
I have an application where I have I a textfield where user enters his mobile number including his country code. The format of the mobile number to be entered is +91-9884715715. When the user enters his/her mobile number initially validation should be performed that the first value entered by user is '+' and then the number that is entered after + should not be less that 0.
But after this I am getting confused that how to get the number of numbers entered between + and -, because user enters the country code and the length of numbers entered between + and - must be dynamic not static.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 13868
Reputation: 12780
Refer @Bala's answer
NSString *call = @"+91-9884715715";
// Search for the "+a" starting at the end of string
NSRange range = [call rangeOfString:@"+" options:NSBackwardsSearch];
// What did we find
if (range.length > 0)
NSLog(@"Range is: %@", NSStringFromRange(range));
Refer following link: TextField Validation With Regular Expression
Change the line
- (BOOL)validateInputWithString:(NSString *)aString
NSString * const regularExpression = @"^([+]{1})([0-9]{2,6})([-]{1})([0-9]{10})$";
NSError *error = NULL;
Add the code
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string
char *x = (char*)[string UTF8String];
//NSLog(@"char index is %i",x[0]);
if([string isEqualToString:@"-"] || [string isEqualToString:@"+"] || [string isEqualToString:@"0"] || [string isEqualToString:@"1"] || [string isEqualToString:@"2"] || [string isEqualToString:@"3"] || [string isEqualToString:@"4"] || [string isEqualToString:@"5"] || [string isEqualToString:@"6"] || [string isEqualToString:@"7"] || [string isEqualToString:@"8"] || [string isEqualToString:@"9"] || x[0]==0 ) {
NSUInteger newLength = [textField.text length] + [string length] - range.length;
return (newLength > 18) ? NO : YES;
} else {
return NO;
Tested with demo:
//// Button Press Event
BOOL check = [self validateInputWithString:TextField.text];
if(check == YES){
NSString *string= [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", TextField.text];
NSArray *first = [string componentsSeparatedByString:@"-"];
NSString *second = [first objectAtIndex:1];
NSString *third = [first objectAtIndex:0];
if([second length] < 11){
if([third length] > 3 || [third length] < 7){
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 1345
// limit the input to only the stuff in this character set, so no emoji or any other insane characters
NSCharacterSet *set = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"1234567890"];
if ([string rangeOfCharacterFromSet:set].location == NSNotFound) {
return NO;
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 3907
Try This:
NSString *code=@"+91-99999999";
NSRange rr2 = [code rangeOfString:@"+"];
NSRange rr3 = [code rangeOfString:@"-"];
int lengt = rr3.location - rr2.location - rr2.length;
int location = rr2.location + rr2.length;
NSRange aa;
aa.location = location;
aa.length = lengt;
code = [code substringWithRange:aa];
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2895
Try this ., might help you
- (BOOL)textField:(UITextField *) textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:
(NSString *)string {
NSString *newString = [textField.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:range withString:string];
if (textField == self.yourphoneNumberfield) {
NSArray *sep = [newString componentsSeparatedByString:@"-"];
if([sep count] >= 2)
countryCode = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[sep objectAtIndex:0]];
if ([[countryCode substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"+"]) {
phoneNumber = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",[sep objectAtIndex:1]];
return ([countryCode length]+[phoneNumber length]);
return YES;
- (BOOL)textFieldShouldEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
NSLog(@"Phone Number : %@",phoneNumber);
if (textField == self.yourphoneNumberfield) {
if ([phoneNumber length]<10)
UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc]initWithTitle:@"UIAlertView" message:@"Please Enter a Valid Mobile number" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
[alert show];
return YES;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2218
Goto XIB interface Builder and open xib document select ur phone number type textfield and go to textfield attribute, In the Text Input Traits, select Keyboard option from Default to Phone Pad.
Upvotes: 0