Reputation: 21
I'm trying to do an assignment for a class, and I'm pretty stuck here. What I need to do is search an array of doublewords for a specified doubleword value. Here's what I have now:
; DriverSub assembly language program: SUB adds two numbers pushed by Driver and displays SUM
; Author: Daniel Strien
; Using Code from: RSzabo
; Date: 3/29/2012
ExitProcess PROTO NEAR32 stdcall, dwExitCode:DWORD
INCLUDE io.h ; header file for input/output
cr EQU 0dh ; carriage return character
Lf EQU 0ah ; line feed
.STACK 4096 ; reserve 4096-byte stack
.DATA ; reserve storage for data
number12 DWORD ?
array DWORD 5 DUP (?)
prompt1 BYTE "Enter first number: ", 0
prompt2 BYTE "Enter another number: ", 0
prompt3 BYTE "Enter a number to search for: ", 0
string BYTE 13 DUP (?)
label1 BYTE cr, Lf, "The value was found at Position (0 if not found): "
pos BYTE 16 DUP (?)
BYTE cr, Lf, 0
.CODE ; start of main program code
lea ebx, array ; get address of array
output prompt1 ; prompt for first number
input string,13 ; read ASCII characters
atod string ; convert to integer
mov [ebx], eax ;move the input to the array
output prompt2 ; repeat for second number
input string, 13
atod string
mov [ebx], eax ;move the input to the array
output prompt2 ; repeat for third number
input string, 13
atod string
mov [ebx], eax ;move the input to the array
output prompt2 ; repeat for fourth number
input string, 13
atod string
mov [ebx], eax ;move the input to the array
output prompt2 ; repeat for fifth(last) number
input string, 13
atod string
mov [ebx], eax ;move the input to the array
push ebx ;pushing the array adress to the stack
output prompt3 ; get search number
input string, 13
atod string
push eax
lea eax, number12
push eax
call search
dtoa pos, number12 ; convert to ASCII characters
output label1 ; output label and position
INVOKE ExitProcess, 0 ; exit with return code 0
PUBLIC _start ; make entry point public
search PROC NEAR32 ; add two words passed on the stack
; return the sum in the EAX register
push ebp ; save EBP
mov ebp,esp ; establish stack frame
;move search value to eax
mov eax, [ebp+12]
;compare values to the user input
mov ebx, [ebp+16] ; move array adress to EBX
mov ecx, [ebx] ;move first element to ECX
cmp ecx, eax ;comparing search number to the first value in the array
je first ;If equal return the position.
mov ecx, [ebx+4] ;move first element to ECX
cmp ecx, eax ;comparing search number to the second value in the array
je second ;If equal return the position.
mov ecx, [ebx+8]
cmp ecx, eax ;comparing search number to the third value in the array
je third ;If equal return the position.
mov ecx, [ebx+12]
cmp ecx, eax ;comparing search number to the fourth value in the array
je fourth ;If equal return the position.
mov ecx, [ebx+16]
cmp ecx, eax ;comparing search number to the fifth value in the array
je fifth ;If equal return the position.
jmp none
first: ;returns position 1
mov eax, 1
jmp done
second: ;returns position 2
mov eax, 2
jmp done
third: ;returns position 3
mov eax, 3
jmp done
fourth: ;returns position 4
mov eax, 4
jmp done
fifth: ;returns position 5
mov eax, 5
jmp done
none: ;returns 0 if the search value is not found.
mov eax, 0
jmp done
mov ebx,[ebp+8]
mov [ebp],eax
pop ebp ; restore EBP
ret 12 ; return
search ENDP
END ; end of source code
The problem I'm having is that the program will run through everything but still return 0, even though the value exists in the array. Can anybody figure out what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 2
Views: 5741
Reputation: 91
lea ebx, array ; get address of array output prompt1 ; prompt for first number input string,13 ; read ASCII characters atod string ; convert to integer mov [ebx], eax ;move the input to the array output prompt2 ; repeat for second number input string, 13 atod string mov [ebx], eax ;move the input to the array
It seems that you did not increment ebx at all. When you forgotten to increment ebx with 4 each time you have putted another value in the matrix, you have overridden the value of [ebx] several times with your input. Soo, your matrix, that starts at Adress ebx, will have only one value inside. This one is the value of the fifth input number!
Your comparison is good. The Problem it´s not there. Anyway I suggest you try to use iterration instead! Save time and reduces programming errors! You could use for example edx (dl just 8 Bits) as counter, as far at it has no other purposes in this program!
Upvotes: 2