Reputation: 3235
I try to use the OWL API to create OWL Ontologies. I can define classes, individuals, and relations among them.
When i define an ObjectProperty #hasPart
with Domain #A
and Range #B
, i expected that this property can by applied to individuals of these two classes only. But in fact the API does not care about the restriction, so one can assign #hasPart
also between two member of class #C
for example:
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
public class OwlTest
public static void main(String[] args)
throws org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyStorageException, org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.OWLOntologyCreationException, Exception
OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
OWLDataFactory df = manager.getOWLDataFactory();
OWLOntology o = manager.createOntology();
OWLClass clsA = df.getOWLClass( IRI.create("#A") );
OWLClass clsB = df.getOWLClass( IRI.create("#B") );
OWLClass clsC = df.getOWLClass( IRI.create("#C") );
OWLObjectProperty hasPart = df.getOWLObjectProperty( IRI.create("#hasPart") );
OWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom domainAxiom = df.getOWLObjectPropertyDomainAxiom(hasPart, clsA);
OWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom rangeAxiom = df.getOWLObjectPropertyRangeAxiom( hasPart, clsB);
manager.addAxiom(o, domainAxiom);
manager.addAxiom(o, rangeAxiom);
OWLNamedIndividual a1 = df.getOWLNamedIndividual( IRI.create("a1") );
OWLNamedIndividual b1 = df.getOWLNamedIndividual( IRI.create("b1") );
OWLNamedIndividual c1 = df.getOWLNamedIndividual( IRI.create("c1") );
OWLNamedIndividual c2 = df.getOWLNamedIndividual( IRI.create("c2") );
manager.addAxiom(o, df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(clsA, a1));
manager.addAxiom(o, df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(clsB, b1));
manager.addAxiom(o, df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(clsC, c1));
manager.addAxiom(o, df.getOWLClassAssertionAxiom(clsC, c2));
manager.addAxiom(o, df.getOWLObjectPropertyAssertionAxiom(hasPart, c1, c2)); // ObjectProperty '#hasPart' should only work for objects from Domain 'clsA' and Range 'clsB'
manager.saveOntology(o, IRI.create("file:/tmp/data.owl"));
Output /tmp/data.owl
<ObjectProperty rdf:about="#hasPart">
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#A"/>
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="#B"/>
<Class rdf:about="#A"/>
<Class rdf:about="#B"/>
<Class rdf:about="#C"/>
<NamedIndividual rdf:about="a1">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="#A"/>
<NamedIndividual rdf:about="b1">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="#B"/>
<NamedIndividual rdf:about="c1">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="#C"/>
<p1:hasPart rdf:resource="c2"/>
I'm now looking for the recommended way to deal with this kinds of restrictions programmatically..? Many thanks in advance!
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1697
Reputation: 4886
Yes, there's nothing wrong with using hasPart w/ C, the reasoner will just assume that you'll eventually tell it that c1 is also an A, or that C is the same as A.
OWL-API isn't going to enforce the behavior you want, it sounds like you're looking for some sort of integrity constraints like you'd get in a normal relational system. You'll either have to bake that into your application or look into something like Pellet's integrity constraints which will be available in the upcoming Pellet 3 release and is currently available in Stardog.
Upvotes: 3