Reputation: 135
Assuming I have a string such as:
How can I determine the matching bracket for the first one? (meaning (def(gh)il(mn(01))afg)
I have tried to create a between function by counting the number of open brackets until the first ')', but it doesn't work on strings like this one.
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Views: 2258
Reputation: 8050
You could use a function that simply traverses the string while keeping track of a stack of indices of opening parentheses. Whenever you encounter a closing parenthesis, you know that it matches with the index at the top of the stack.
For example:
parenPairs :: String -> [(Int, Int)]
parenPairs = go 0 []
go _ _ [] = []
go j acc ('(' : cs) = go (j + 1) (j : acc) cs
go j [] (')' : cs) = go (j + 1) [] cs -- unbalanced parentheses!
go j (i : is) (')' : cs) = (i, j) : go (j + 1) is cs
go j acc (c : cs) = go (j + 1) acc cs
This function returns a list of all pairs of indices belonging to pairs of matching parentheses.
Applying the function to your example string gives:
> parenPairs "abc(def(gh)il(mn(01))afg)lmno(sdfg*)"
The opening parenthesis you were interested in appears at index 3. The returned list shows that the matching closing parenthesis is to be found at index 24.
The following functions gives you all properly parenthesised segments of a string:
parenSegs :: String -> [String]
parenSegs s = map (f s) (parenPairs s)
f s (i, j) = take (j - i + 1) (drop i s)
For example:
> parenSegs "abc(def(gh)il(mn(01))afg)lmno(sdfg*)"
Following Frerich Raabe's suggestion, we can now also write a function that only returns the leftmost segment:
firstParenSeg :: String -> String
firstParenSeg s = f s (minimum (parenPairs s))
f s (i, j) = take (j - i + 1) (drop i s)
For example:
> firstParenSeg "abc(def(gh)il(mn(01))afg)lmno(sdfg*)"
Note that firstParenSeg
will fail if the input string does not contain at least one pair of matching parentheses.
Finally, a small adaption of the parenPairs
function lets it fail on unbalanced parentheses:
parenPairs' :: String -> [(Int, Int)]
parenPairs' = go 0 []
go _ [] [] = []
go _ (_ : _ ) [] = error "unbalanced parentheses!"
go j acc ('(' : cs) = go (j + 1) (j : acc) cs
go j [] (')' : cs) = error "unbalanced parentheses!"
go j (i : is) (')' : cs) = (i, j) : go (j + 1) is cs
go j acc (c : cs) = go (j + 1) acc cs
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 22000
Simple newbie solution using helper go
brackets :: String -> String
brackets string = go string 0 False
where go (s:ss) 0 False | s /= '(' = go ss 0 False
go ('(':ss) 0 False = '(' : go ss 1 True
go (')':_) 1 True = ")"
go (')':ss) n True = ')' : go ss (n-1) True
go ('(':ss) n True = '(' : go ss (n+1) True
go (s:ss) n flag = s : go ss n flag
go "" _ _ = ""
The idea is to remember some counter of opening brackets for each Char
. And when that counter will be equal 1 and Char
is equal )
- it is time to return the required string.
> brackets "abc(def(gh)il(mn(01))afg)lmno(sdfg*)"
Note, that this function will return string with unclosed bracket for unbalanced string, like that:
> brackets "a(a(a"
It could be avoided with another pattern matching condition.
More readable solution is balancedSubstring
function :: String -> Maybe String
that returns Just
requires substring if brackets is balanced and Nothing
in other cases.
brackets :: String -> String
brackets string = go string 0 False
where go (s:ss) 0 False | s /= '(' = go ss 0 False
go ('(':ss) 0 False = '(' : go ss 1 True
go (')':_) 1 True = ")"
go (')':ss) n True = ')' : go ss (n-1) True
go ('(':ss) n True = '(' : go ss (n+1) True
go (s:ss) n flag = s : go ss n flag
go "" _ _ = ""
isBalanced :: String -> Bool
isBalanced string = go string 0
where go ('(':ss) n = go ss (n+1)
go (')':ss) n | n > 0 = go ss (n-1)
go (')':_ ) n | n < 1 = False
go (_:ss) n = go ss n
go "" 0 = True
go "" _ = False
balancedSubstring :: String -> Maybe String
balancedSubstring string | isBalanced string = Just $ brackets string
balancedSubstring string | otherwise = Nothing
So now result of balancedSubstring
function is more understandable:
> balancedSubstring "abc(def(gh)il(mn(01))afg)lmno(sdfg*)"
Just "(def(gh)il(mn(01))afg)"
> balancedSubstring "a(a(a"
Upvotes: 3