Reputation: 3113
I need to write a function par :: String -> Bool
to verify if a given string with parentheses is matching using stack module.
par "(((()[()])))" = True
par "((]())" = False
Here's my stack module implementation:
module Stack (Stack,
push, pop, top,
empty, isEmpty)
data Stack a = Stk [a]
deriving (Show)
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push x (Stk xs) = Stk (x:xs)
pop :: Stack a -> Stack a
pop (Stk (_:xs)) = Stk xs
pop _ = error "Stack.pop: empty stack"
top :: Stack a -> a
top (Stk (x:_)) = x
top _ = error " empty stack"
empty :: Stack a
empty = Stk []
isEmpty :: Stack a -> Bool
isEmpty (Stk [])= True
isEmpty (Stk _) = False
So I need to implement a par
function that would test a string of parentheses and say if the parentheses in it are balanced or not. How can I do that using a stack?
Upvotes: 6
Views: 5004
Reputation: 1
module Parens where
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
matchingParens :: Map Char Char
matchingParens = Map.fromList [
('(', ')')
, ('{', '}')
, ('[', ']')
isOpening :: Char -> Bool
isOpening c = maybe False (const True) $ Map.lookup c matchingParens
type Stack a = [a]
balanced :: String -> Bool
balanced = balanced' []
balanced' :: Stack Char -> String -> Bool
balanced' [] "" = True
balanced' _ "" = False
balanced' [] (c:cs) = balanced' [c] cs
balanced' (o:os) (c:cs)
| isOpening c = balanced' (c:o:os) cs
| otherwise = case Map.lookup o matchingParens of
Nothing -> False
Just closing -> if closing == c
then balanced' os cs
else False
Upvotes: 7
Reputation: 332
isOpenBracket :: Char -> Bool
isOpenBracket x = case x of
'{' -> True
'[' -> True
'(' -> True
otherwise -> False
isCloseBracket :: Char -> Bool
isCloseBracket x = case x of
'}' -> True
']' -> True
')' -> True
otherwise -> False
bracketLookup :: Char -> Char
bracketLookup x = case x of
'{' -> '}'
'[' -> ']'
'(' -> ')'
checkBrackets :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool
checkBrackets [] [] = True
checkBrackets [] (x:xs) = (isOpenBracket x) && (checkBrackets (x:[]) (xs))
checkBrackets (s:ss) (x:xs)
| (isOpenBracket x) = (checkBrackets (x:s:ss) (xs))
| (isCloseBracket x) = (x == bracketLookup s) && checkBrackets (ss) (xs)
-- case where x is not a a bracket (invalid char), just skip it
| otherwise = checkBrackets (s:ss) (xs)
checkBrackets (x:xs) [] = False
bracketParity x = checkBrackets "" x
My attempt, just using a list as a stack and rercusing along the input. Ignores non-bracket characters.
*Main> bracketParity "{()([a])}"
*Main> bracketParity "{()([aaaa])}"
*Main> bracketParity "{(a)([aaaa]a)}"
*Main> bracketParity "{()([])}"
*Main> bracketParity "[][][]"
*Main> bracketParity "[][][]]"
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 195
import Data.Char
verifier :: String -> Bool
verifier x = balancer x []
balancer [] stack = null stack
balancer (x:xs) [] = balancer xs [x]
balancer (x:xs) (y:ys) = if isSpace x then balancer xs (y:ys)
else if x `elem` "([{" then balancer xs (x:y:ys)
else if (x == ')' && y == '(') ||
(x == ']' && y == '[') ||
(x == '}' && y == '{') then balancer xs ys
else False
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 9335
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
parse :: String -> Maybe String
parse xs@(')':_) = return xs
parse xs@(']':_) = return xs
parse ('(':xs) = do
')':ys <- parse xs
parse ys
parse ('[':xs) = do
']':ys <- parse xs
parse ys
parse (_:xs) = parse xs
parse [] = return []
paren :: String -> Bool
paren xs = isJust $ do
ys <- parse xs
guard (null ys)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 312
parent :: String -> Bool
parent "" = True
parent str = verify str empty
verify :: String -> Stack Char -> Bool
verify [] stk = isEmpty stk
verify (c:str) stk
| (c == '(') = verify str (push c stk)
| (c == ')') = if isEmpty stk then False else if top stk == '(' then verify str (pop stk) else False
| (c == '[') = verify str (push c stk)
| (c == ']') = if isEmpty stk then False else if top stk == '[' then verify str (pop stk) else False
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 163
I am a haskell newbie. Here's my attempt, definitely inelegant but wanted to try a different approach
data Stack a = Stk [a]
deriving (Show)
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push x (Stk xs) = Stk (x:xs)
pop :: Stack a -> (Maybe a, Stack a)
pop (Stk []) = (Nothing, Stk [])
pop (Stk (x:xs)) = (Just x, Stk xs)
top :: Stack a -> Maybe a
top (Stk (x:_)) = Just x
top _ = Nothing
empty :: Stack a
empty = Stk []
isEmpty :: Stack a -> Bool
isEmpty (Stk [])= True
isEmpty (Stk _) = False
par :: String -> Maybe (Stack Char)
par = foldl check (Just (Stk []))
where check (Just stk) x
| x == '(' = Just (push x stk)
| x == ')' = case pop stk of
(Just '(', newStk) -> Just newStk
_ -> Nothing
check Nothing x = Nothing
parCheck :: String -> Bool
parCheck xs = case par xs of
Just stk -> isEmpty stk
Nothing -> False
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 3113
Here's the answer:
parent' :: String -> Stack Char -> Bool
parent' [] stk = isEmpty stk
parent' (c:str) stk
| (c == '(') = parent' str (push c stk)
| (c == ')') = if isEmpty stk then False
else if top stk == '(' then parent' str (pop stk)
else False
parent :: String -> Bool
parent [] = True
parent str = parent' str empty
Upvotes: 4