Reputation: 37
I have a project about image compression in Matlab. So far i have successfully implemented Huffman encoding to the image which gives me a vector of binary codes. After that i run Huffman decoding and i get a vector which contains the elements of the image compressed. My problem is that i can find how is possible from this vector to reconstruct the image and create the image file.
Any help would be grateful
Based on Ben A. help i have made progress but i still have some issues. To be more exact. I have an image matrix. After finding unique symbols(elements) on this image matrix, i calculate the probabilities and then with this function:
function [h,L,H]=Huffman_code(p,opt)
% Huffman code generator gives a Huffman code matrix h,
% average codeword length L & entropy H
% for a source with probability vector p given as argin(1)
zero_one=['0'; '1'];
if nargin>1&&opt>0, zero_one=['1'; '0']; end
if abs(sum(p)-1)>1e-6
fprintf('\n The probabilities in p does not add up to 1!');
M=length(p); N=M-1; p=p(:); % Make p a column vector
if M>2
for n=1:N
% To sort in descending order
if n==1, ord0=o; end % Original descending order
if M-n>1, pp(1:M-n,n+1)=[pp(1:M-1-n,n); sum(pp(M-n:M-n+1,n))]; end
for n=N:-1:2
tmp=N-n+2; oi=o(1:tmp,n);
for i=1:tmp, h1{oi(i)}=h{i}; end
h=h1; h{tmp+1}=h{tmp};
h{tmp}=[h{tmp} zero_one(1)];
h{tmp+1}=[h{tmp+1} zero_one(2)];
for i=1:length(ord0), h1{ord0(i)}=h{i}; end
for n=1:M, L=L+p(n)*length(h{n}); end % Average codeword length
H=-sum(p.*log2(p)); % Entropy by Eq.(9.1.4)
i calculate the huffman codes for the image.
Now i use this function:
function coded_seq=source_coding(src,symbols,codewords)
% Encode a data sequence src based on the given (symbols,codewords).
no_of_symbols=length(symbols); coded_seq=[];
if length(codewords)<no_of_symbols
error('The number of codewords must equal that of symbols');
for n=1:length(src)
for i=1:no_of_symbols
if src(n)==symbols(i), tmp=codewords{i}; found=1; break; end
if found==0, tmp='?'; end
coded_seq=[coded_seq tmp];
where in src i put my image (matrix) and i get a coded sequence for my image.
Last is this function:
function decoded_seq=source_decoding(coded_seq,h,symbols)
% Decode a coded_seq based on the given (codewords,symbols).
M=length(h); decoded_seq=[];
while ~isempty(coded_seq)
lcs= length(coded_seq); found=0;
for m=1:M
codeword= h{m};
lc= length(codeword);
if lcs>=lc&codeword==coded_seq(1:lc)
symbol=symbols(m); found=1; break;
if found==0, symbol='?'; end
decoded_seq=[decoded_seq symbol];
Which is used to decode the coded sequence. The problem is that finally as coded sequence i get a 1x400 matrix where i should get a 225x400 which is my image dimensions. Am i missing something? Maybe should i replace something because i have a matrix and not a number sequence (for which the code is written)?
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