How to generate pseudo random number in FPGA?
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If you need a randomized word, like the C rand() function, an LFSR by itself will not do the job. I made a little open-source FPGA rand() module for that purpose.
It is parameterized for initial state and output width. It is written to use the Xilinx DSP48 core and runs very fast. A single DSP48 gives good results compared to the Mersenne Twister.
This project also contains parameterized LFSR modules if that's what you need.
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Reputation: 2029
As others have said, LFSRs can be used for pseudo random numbers in an FPGA. Here is a VHDL implementation of a maximal length 32-bit LFSR.
-- maximal length 32-bit xnor LFSR based on xilinx app note XAPP210
function lfsr32(x : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)) return std_logic_vector is
return x(30 downto 0) & (x(0) xnor x(1) xnor x(21) xnor x(31));
end function;
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst='1' then
pseudo_rand <= (others => '0');
pseudo_rand <= lfsr32(psuedo_rand);
end if;
end if;
end process;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2494
There's an excellent Xilinx application note on generating pseudo-random number sequences efficiently in an FPGA. It's XAPP052.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 56762
If it's not for cryptography or other applications with an intelligent adversary (e.g. gambling) I'd use a linear feedback shift register approach.
It only uses exclusive or and shift, so it is very simple to implement in hardware.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 6644
This has been covered (I'd go for an LFSR): Random number generation on Spartan-3E
Upvotes: 7