
Reputation: 6595

reading wav/wave file into short[] array

is there an api to read wav files into an array of short[]? i'm trying to read a wav file into short array.

i couldn't find any built API for that

Upvotes: 3

Views: 12786

Answers (4)

Usman Ashraf
Usman Ashraf

Reputation: 9 Add the following code to the WavFile class.

// Short
    public int readFramesChanel(short[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead,int channel) throws IOException, WavFileException
        return readFramesChanel(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead,channel);

    public int readFramesChanel(short[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead,int channel) throws IOException, WavFileException
        if (ioState != WavFile.IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

        for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
            if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

            for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
                    sampleBuffer[offset] = (short) readSample();
                    offset ++;

            frameCounter ++;

        return numFramesToRead;
    // ----
    public int readFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
        return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

    public int readFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
        if (ioState != WavFile.IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

        for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
            if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

            for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
                sampleBuffer[offset] = (short) readSample();
                offset ++;

            frameCounter ++;

        return numFramesToRead;

    public int readFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
        return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

    public int readFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
        if (ioState != WavFile.IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

        for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
            if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

            for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = (short) readSample();

            offset ++;
            frameCounter ++;

        return numFramesToRead;

    public int writeFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
        return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

    public int writeFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
        if (ioState != WavFile.IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

        for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
            if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

            for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
                offset ++;

            frameCounter ++;

        return numFramesToWrite;

    public int writeFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
        return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

    public int writeFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
        if (ioState != WavFile.IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

        for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
            if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

            for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample(sampleBuffer[c][offset]);

            offset ++;
            frameCounter ++;

        return numFramesToWrite;

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 6595

ok so this is what i did.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
        File srcFile = new File("test.wav");
        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(srcFile);
        ObjectOutputStream output =  new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("gilad-OutPut.bin"));
        byte[] buf = new byte[80000];
        short[] shortArr = new short[buf.length/2];;
        for (int i = 0; i <buf.length/2 ; i++)
            output.writeShort( (short)( ( buf[i*2] & 0xff )|( buf[i*2 + 1] << 8 ) ) );
            shortArr[i] = ( (short)( ( buf[i*2] & 0xff )|( buf[i*2 + 1] << 8 ) ) );


    } catch (Exception e) {


the short array was for debugging purposes, anyway my idea is to read this in Matlab as Short array. however i do not get the same values.

Upvotes: 2

Shimon Doodkin
Shimon Doodkin

Reputation: 4569

this one is good, good for android too:

i have added to it read short and read channel short

had to remove the indentation to fit in char limit.

package com.doodkin.learnwave;


//added short and readchannel

public class Wave {
// Wav file IO class
// A.Greensted

// File format is based on the information from

// Version 1.0


public static class WavFile
private enum IOState {READING, WRITING, CLOSED};
private final static int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;

private final static int FMT_CHUNK_ID = 0x20746D66;
private final static int DATA_CHUNK_ID = 0x61746164;
private final static int RIFF_CHUNK_ID = 0x46464952;
private final static int RIFF_TYPE_ID = 0x45564157;

private File file;                      // File that will be read from or written to
private IOState ioState;                // Specifies the IO State of the Wav File (used for snaity checking)
private int bytesPerSample;         // Number of bytes required to store a single sample
private long numFrames;                 // Number of frames within the data section
private FileOutputStream oStream;   // Output stream used for writting data
private FileInputStream iStream;        // Input stream used for reading data
private double floatScale;              // Scaling factor used for int <-> float conversion             
private double floatOffset;         // Offset factor used for int <-> float conversion              
private boolean wordAlignAdjust;        // Specify if an extra byte at the end of the data chunk is required for word alignment

// Wav Header
private int numChannels;                // 2 bytes unsigned, 0x0001 (1) to 0xFFFF (65,535)
private long sampleRate;                // 4 bytes unsigned, 0x00000001 (1) to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295)
// Although a java int is 4 bytes, it is signed, so need to use a long
private int blockAlign;                 // 2 bytes unsigned, 0x0001 (1) to 0xFFFF (65,535)
private int validBits;                  // 2 bytes unsigned, 0x0002 (2) to 0xFFFF (65,535)

// Buffering
private byte[] buffer;                  // Local buffer used for IO
private int bufferPointer;              // Points to the current position in local buffer
private int bytesRead;                  // Bytes read after last read into local buffer
private long frameCounter;              // Current number of frames read or written

// Cannot instantiate WavFile directly, must either use newWavFile() or openWavFile()
private WavFile()
buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];

public int getNumChannels()
return numChannels;

public long getNumFrames()
return numFrames;

public long getFramesRemaining()
return numFrames - frameCounter;

public long getSampleRate()
return sampleRate;

public int getValidBits()
return validBits;

public static WavFile newWavFile(File file, int numChannels, long numFrames, int validBits, long sampleRate) throws IOException, WavFileException
// Instantiate new Wavfile and initialise
WavFile wavFile = new WavFile();
wavFile.file = file;
wavFile.numChannels = numChannels;
wavFile.numFrames = numFrames;
wavFile.sampleRate = sampleRate;
wavFile.bytesPerSample = (validBits + 7) / 8;
wavFile.blockAlign = wavFile.bytesPerSample * numChannels;
wavFile.validBits = validBits;

// Sanity check arguments
if (numChannels < 1 || numChannels > 65535) throw new WavFileException("Illegal number of channels, valid range 1 to 65536");
if (numFrames < 0) throw new WavFileException("Number of frames must be positive");
if (validBits < 2 || validBits > 65535) throw new WavFileException("Illegal number of valid bits, valid range 2 to 65536");
if (sampleRate < 0) throw new WavFileException("Sample rate must be positive");

// Create output stream for writing data
wavFile.oStream = new FileOutputStream(file);

// Calculate the chunk sizes
long dataChunkSize = wavFile.blockAlign * numFrames;
long mainChunkSize =    4 + // Riff Type
8 + // Format ID and size
16 +    // Format data
8 +     // Data ID and size

// Chunks must be word aligned, so if odd number of audio data bytes
// adjust the main chunk size
if (dataChunkSize % 2 == 1) {
mainChunkSize += 1;
wavFile.wordAlignAdjust = true;
else {
wavFile.wordAlignAdjust = false;

// Set the main chunk size
putLE(RIFF_CHUNK_ID,    wavFile.buffer, 0, 4);
putLE(mainChunkSize,    wavFile.buffer, 4, 4);
putLE(RIFF_TYPE_ID, wavFile.buffer, 8, 4);

// Write out the header
wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 12);

// Put format data in buffer
long averageBytesPerSecond = sampleRate * wavFile.blockAlign;

putLE(FMT_CHUNK_ID,             wavFile.buffer, 0, 4);      // Chunk ID
putLE(16,                           wavFile.buffer, 4, 4);      // Chunk Data Size
putLE(1,                                wavFile.buffer, 8, 2);      // Compression Code (Uncompressed)
putLE(numChannels,              wavFile.buffer, 10, 2);     // Number of channels
putLE(sampleRate,                   wavFile.buffer, 12, 4);     // Sample Rate
putLE(averageBytesPerSecond,    wavFile.buffer, 16, 4);     // Average Bytes Per Second
putLE(wavFile.blockAlign,       wavFile.buffer, 20, 2);     // Block Align
putLE(validBits,                    wavFile.buffer, 22, 2);     // Valid Bits

// Write Format Chunk
wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 24);

// Start Data Chunk
putLE(DATA_CHUNK_ID,                wavFile.buffer, 0, 4);      // Chunk ID
putLE(dataChunkSize,                wavFile.buffer, 4, 4);      // Chunk Data Size

// Write Format Chunk
wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 8);

// Calculate the scaling factor for converting to a normalised double
if (wavFile.validBits > 8)
// If more than 8 validBits, data is signed
// Conversion required multiplying by magnitude of max positive value
wavFile.floatOffset = 0;
wavFile.floatScale = Long.MAX_VALUE >> (64 - wavFile.validBits);
// Else if 8 or less validBits, data is unsigned
// Conversion required dividing by max positive value
wavFile.floatOffset = 1;
wavFile.floatScale = 0.5 * ((1 << wavFile.validBits) - 1);

// Finally, set the IO State
wavFile.bufferPointer = 0;
wavFile.bytesRead = 0;
wavFile.frameCounter = 0;
wavFile.ioState = IOState.WRITING;

return wavFile;

public static WavFile openWavFile(File file) throws IOException, WavFileException
// Instantiate new Wavfile and store the file reference
WavFile wavFile = new WavFile();
wavFile.file = file;

// Create a new file input stream for reading file data
wavFile.iStream = new FileInputStream(file);

// Read the first 12 bytes of the file
int bytesRead =, 0, 12);
if (bytesRead != 12) throw new WavFileException("Not enough wav file bytes for header");

// Extract parts from the header
long riffChunkID = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 0, 4);
long chunkSize = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 4, 4);
long riffTypeID = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 8, 4);

// Check the header bytes contains the correct signature
if (riffChunkID != RIFF_CHUNK_ID) throw new WavFileException("Invalid Wav Header data, incorrect riff chunk ID");
if (riffTypeID != RIFF_TYPE_ID) throw new WavFileException("Invalid Wav Header data, incorrect riff type ID");

// Check that the file size matches the number of bytes listed in header
if (file.length() != chunkSize+8) {
throw new WavFileException("Header chunk size (" + chunkSize + ") does not match file size (" + file.length() + ")");

boolean foundFormat = false;
boolean foundData = false;

// Search for the Format and Data Chunks
while (true)
// Read the first 8 bytes of the chunk (ID and chunk size)
bytesRead =, 0, 8);
if (bytesRead == -1) throw new WavFileException("Reached end of file without finding format chunk");
if (bytesRead != 8) throw new WavFileException("Could not read chunk header");

// Extract the chunk ID and Size
long chunkID = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 0, 4);
chunkSize = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 4, 4);

// Word align the chunk size
// chunkSize specifies the number of bytes holding data. However,
// the data should be word aligned (2 bytes) so we need to calculate
// the actual number of bytes in the chunk
long numChunkBytes = (chunkSize%2 == 1) ? chunkSize+1 : chunkSize;

if (chunkID == FMT_CHUNK_ID)
// Flag that the format chunk has been found
foundFormat = true;

// Read in the header info
bytesRead =, 0, 16);

// Check this is uncompressed data
int compressionCode = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 0, 2);
if (compressionCode != 1) throw new WavFileException("Compression Code " + compressionCode + " not supported");

// Extract the format information
wavFile.numChannels = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 2, 2);
wavFile.sampleRate = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 4, 4);
wavFile.blockAlign = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 12, 2);
wavFile.validBits = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 14, 2);

if (wavFile.numChannels == 0) throw new WavFileException("Number of channels specified in header is equal to zero");
if (wavFile.blockAlign == 0) throw new WavFileException("Block Align specified in header is equal to zero");
if (wavFile.validBits < 2) throw new WavFileException("Valid Bits specified in header is less than 2");
if (wavFile.validBits > 64) throw new WavFileException("Valid Bits specified in header is greater than 64, this is greater than a long can hold");

// Calculate the number of bytes required to hold 1 sample
wavFile.bytesPerSample = (wavFile.validBits + 7) / 8;
if (wavFile.bytesPerSample * wavFile.numChannels != wavFile.blockAlign)
throw new WavFileException("Block Align does not agree with bytes required for validBits and number of channels");

// Account for number of format bytes and then skip over
// any extra format bytes
numChunkBytes -= 16;
if (numChunkBytes > 0) wavFile.iStream.skip(numChunkBytes);
else if (chunkID == DATA_CHUNK_ID)
// Check if we've found the format chunk,
// If not, throw an exception as we need the format information
// before we can read the data chunk
if (foundFormat == false) throw new WavFileException("Data chunk found before Format chunk");

// Check that the chunkSize (wav data length) is a multiple of the
// block align (bytes per frame)
if (chunkSize % wavFile.blockAlign != 0) throw new WavFileException("Data Chunk size is not multiple of Block Align");

// Calculate the number of frames
wavFile.numFrames = chunkSize / wavFile.blockAlign;

// Flag that we've found the wave data chunk
foundData = true;

// If an unknown chunk ID is found, just skip over the chunk data

// Throw an exception if no data chunk has been found
if (foundData == false) throw new WavFileException("Did not find a data chunk");

// Calculate the scaling factor for converting to a normalised double
if (wavFile.validBits > 8)
// If more than 8 validBits, data is signed
// Conversion required dividing by magnitude of max negative value
wavFile.floatOffset = 0;
wavFile.floatScale = 1 << (wavFile.validBits - 1);
// Else if 8 or less validBits, data is unsigned
// Conversion required dividing by max positive value
wavFile.floatOffset = -1;
wavFile.floatScale = 0.5 * ((1 << wavFile.validBits) - 1);

wavFile.bufferPointer = 0;
wavFile.bytesRead = 0;
wavFile.frameCounter = 0;
wavFile.ioState = IOState.READING;

return wavFile;

// Get and Put little endian data from local buffer
// ------------------------------------------------
private static long getLE(byte[] buffer, int pos, int numBytes)
numBytes --;
pos += numBytes;

long val = buffer[pos] & 0xFF;
for (int b=0 ; b<numBytes ; b++) val = (val << 8) + (buffer[--pos] & 0xFF);

return val;

private static void putLE(long val, byte[] buffer, int pos, int numBytes)
for (int b=0 ; b<numBytes ; b++)
buffer[pos] = (byte) (val & 0xFF);
val >>= 8;
pos ++;

// Sample Writing and Reading
// --------------------------
private void writeSample(long val) throws IOException
for (int b=0 ; b<bytesPerSample ; b++)
if (bufferPointer == BUFFER_SIZE)
oStream.write(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
bufferPointer = 0;

buffer[bufferPointer] = (byte) (val & 0xFF);
val >>= 8;
bufferPointer ++;

private long readSample() throws IOException, WavFileException
long val = 0;

for (int b=0 ; b<bytesPerSample ; b++)
if (bufferPointer == bytesRead) 
int read =, 0, BUFFER_SIZE);
if (read == -1) throw new WavFileException("Not enough data available");
bytesRead = read;
bufferPointer = 0;

int v = buffer[bufferPointer];
if (b < bytesPerSample-1 || bytesPerSample == 1) v &= 0xFF;
val += v << (b * 8);

bufferPointer ++;

return val;

// Short
// ----mono:
public int readFramesChanel(short[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead,int channel) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFramesChanel(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead,channel);

public int readFramesChanel(short[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead,int channel) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
sampleBuffer[offset] = (short) readSample();
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;
// ----
public int readFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
sampleBuffer[offset] = (short) readSample();
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int readFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = (short) readSample();

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int writeFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(short[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

public int writeFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(short[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample(sampleBuffer[c][offset]);

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

// Integer
// -------
public int readFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
sampleBuffer[offset] = (int) readSample();
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int readFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = (int) readSample();

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int writeFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

public int writeFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample(sampleBuffer[c][offset]);

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

// Long
// ----
public int readFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
sampleBuffer[offset] = readSample();
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int readFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = readSample();

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int writeFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

public int writeFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample(sampleBuffer[c][offset]);

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

// Double
// ------
public int readFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
sampleBuffer[offset] = floatOffset + (double) readSample() / floatScale;
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int readFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead);

public int readFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = floatOffset + (double) readSample() / floatScale;

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToRead;

public int writeFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++)
writeSample((long) (floatScale * (floatOffset + sampleBuffer[offset])));
offset ++;

frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

public int writeFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite);

public int writeFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, WavFileException
if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to WavFile instance");

for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++)
if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f;

for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample((long) (floatScale * (floatOffset + sampleBuffer[c][offset])));

offset ++;
frameCounter ++;

return numFramesToWrite;

public void close() throws IOException
// Close the input stream and set to null
if (iStream != null)
iStream = null;

if (oStream != null) 
// Write out anything still in the local buffer
if (bufferPointer > 0) oStream.write(buffer, 0, bufferPointer);

// If an extra byte is required for word alignment, add it to the end
if (wordAlignAdjust) oStream.write(0);

// Close the stream and set to null
oStream = null;

// Flag that the stream is closed
ioState = IOState.CLOSED;

public void display()

public void display(PrintStream out)
out.printf("File: %s\n", file);
out.printf("Channels: %d, Frames: %d\n", numChannels, numFrames);
out.printf("IO State: %s\n", ioState);
out.printf("Sample Rate: %d, Block Align: %d\n", sampleRate, blockAlign);
out.printf("Valid Bits: %d, Bytes per sample: %d\n", validBits, bytesPerSample);

public static void main(String[] args)
if (args.length < 1)
System.err.println("Must supply filename");

for (String filename : args)
WavFile readWavFile = openWavFile(new File(filename));

long numFrames = readWavFile.getNumFrames();
int numChannels = readWavFile.getNumChannels();
int validBits = readWavFile.getValidBits();
long sampleRate = readWavFile.getSampleRate();

WavFile writeWavFile = newWavFile(new File("out.wav"), numChannels, numFrames, validBits, sampleRate);

final int BUF_SIZE = 5001;

//                  int[] buffer = new int[BUF_SIZE * numChannels];
//                  long[] buffer = new long[BUF_SIZE * numChannels];
double[] buffer = new double[BUF_SIZE * numChannels];

int framesRead = 0;
int framesWritten = 0;

framesRead = readWavFile.readFrames(buffer, BUF_SIZE);
framesWritten = writeWavFile.writeFrames(buffer, BUF_SIZE);
System.out.printf("%d %d\n", framesRead, framesWritten);
while (framesRead != 0);


WavFile writeWavFile = newWavFile(new File("out2.wav"), 1, 10, 23, 44100);
double[] buffer = new double[10];
writeWavFile.writeFrames(buffer, 10);
catch (Exception e)

public static class WavFileException extends Exception
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8236151366330602556L;

public WavFileException()

public WavFileException(String message)

public WavFileException(String message, Throwable cause)
super(message, cause);

public WavFileException(Throwable cause) 

public static class ReadExample
public static void main(String[] args)
// Open the wav file specified as the first argument
WavFile wavFile = WavFile.openWavFile(new File(args[0]));

// Display information about the wav file

// Get the number of audio channels in the wav file
int numChannels = wavFile.getNumChannels();

// Create a buffer of 100 frames
double[] buffer = new double[100 * numChannels];

int framesRead;
double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;

// Read frames into buffer
framesRead = wavFile.readFrames(buffer, 100);

// Loop through frames and look for minimum and maximum value
for (int s=0 ; s<framesRead * numChannels ; s++)
if (buffer[s] > max) max = buffer[s];
if (buffer[s] < min) min = buffer[s];
while (framesRead != 0);

// Close the wavFile

// Output the minimum and maximum value
System.out.printf("Min: %f, Max: %f\n", min, max);
catch (Exception e)


public static class WriteExample
public static void main(String[] args)
int sampleRate = 44100;     // Samples per second
double duration = 5.0;      // Seconds

// Calculate the number of frames required for specified duration
long numFrames = (long)(duration * sampleRate);

// Create a wav file with the name specified as the first argument
WavFile wavFile = WavFile.newWavFile(new File(args[0]), 2, numFrames, 16, sampleRate);

// Create a buffer of 100 frames
double[][] buffer = new double[2][100];

// Initialise a local frame counter
long frameCounter = 0;

// Loop until all frames written
while (frameCounter < numFrames)
// Determine how many frames to write, up to a maximum of the buffer size
long remaining = wavFile.getFramesRemaining();
int toWrite = (remaining > 100) ? 100 : (int) remaining;

// Fill the buffer, one tone per channel
for (int s=0 ; s<toWrite ; s++, frameCounter++)
buffer[0][s] = Math.sin(2.0 * Math.PI * 400 * frameCounter / sampleRate);
buffer[1][s] = Math.sin(2.0 * Math.PI * 500 * frameCounter / sampleRate);

// Write the buffer
wavFile.writeFrames(buffer, toWrite);

// Close the wavFile
catch (Exception e)


Upvotes: 3

Phil Freihofner
Phil Freihofner

Reputation: 7910

Bring it in via an AudioInputStream as one normally does for sound.

With each buffer load you grab from the stream, iterate through it, two bytes at a time (if it is 16-bit encoding) and use your favorite algorithm to convert the two bytes to a single short int. (Depends if file is Big-Endian or Little-Endian.)

Then, save the results by appending to your preferred form of short array, instead of posting to a SourceDataLine like is done in the more usual playback situations.

Quote from Java Tutorials:

Because the Java Sound API gives you access to the audio data as an array of bytes, you can alter these bytes in any way you choose.

You might check out the code in this Java sound tutorial: Using Files and Format Converters, the section "Reading Sound Files" and note the comment: "Here, do something useful with the audio data that's now in the audioBytes array..."

For example, that something useful might be:

    myShortArray[i] = (short)(( buffer[i*2] & 0xff )|( buffer[i*2 + 1] << 8 ));

buffer = byte buffer receiving the AudioInputStream.

i = index into the arrays.

Upvotes: 7

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