Reputation: 501
I've been searching all over the place, but all I could find is things on initializing a struct array, not in another function. This is my old homework assignment. My assignment was to read commands from a text file, store them into an array and pipe the commands into a program called sketchpad. I actually feel that I should have initialized/reinitialized my struct array in another function because there is an end command in the text file (i thought there was nothing after that end command). Looking it over, I forgot to cater to that fact that you could read two text files in one consecutively. There are other ways of doing it, the teacher showed us a way in class to cater to it. But I would like to know how to do it my way. How would you call a function that initializes/reinitializes a struct array and send the values back to the place it was called? We use pointers right? How would we go about doing it?
Here is my code:
void fileParsing(FILE * fp, FILE* pipe)
/*defines and initializes the commands being searched and counted */
int Figure =0;
int draw =0;
int End =0;
int printFigure =0;
int drawFigure =0;
int translate =0;
int child =0;
int comment =0;
int i, j;
struct figure array_figure[19]; //WTF!!!! WHY 19?????
//assigns absurd values to array to distinguish when to stop looking for coordinates
for(i=0; i < FIGURE_MAX; ++i)
memset(array_figure[i].name, 0, LINE_LEN);
for(j=0; j<POINTS_MAX; ++j)
array_figure[i].Coord[j].xcoor = fup_value;
array_figure[i].Coord[j].ycoor =fup_value;
//array_figure[15].name = "adsfsdf";
int count = 0;
int count2 = 0;
int drawCount = 0;
int reset;
//if(reset = 0; reset < 256; reset++);
//strncpy(array_figure[count].name, "0", LINE_LEN);
//printf("about to go into a while loop\n");
while(fgets(line, LINE_LEN, fp)!=NULL)
sscanf(line, "%s%s%d%d", command, name, &x, &y);
//looks for commands and organizes them accordingly
if(strncmp(command, "Figure", 6) == 0)
printf("Found a Figure command\n");
sscanf(line, "%s%s%d%d", command, name, &x, &y);
originX = x;
originY = y;
//assigns name and initial point
strncpy(array_figure[count2].name, name, LINE_LEN);
array_figure[count2].Coord[count].xcoor = x; //change: count2 from '3' from array_figure[i]
array_figure[count2].Coord[count].ycoor = y;
//printf("%s: %lf, %lf\n", array_figure[count2].name, array_figure[count2].Coord[count].xcoor, array_figure[count2].Coord[count].ycoor);
//printf("%d\n", count);
//fprintf(output, "%d %d\n", x, y); //MIGHT BE NEEDED!
//originX = x;
//originY = y;
else if(strncmp(command, "draw", 5) == 0)
printf("Found a draw command\n");
sscanf(line, "%s%d%d", command, &x, &y);
//strncpy(array_figure[count].name, "0", LINE_LEN);
//priFiguntf("%s\n", array_figure[2].name);
//creates a new origin coordinate
originX = array_figure[count2].Coord[count-1].xcoor;
originY = array_figure[count2].Coord[count-1].ycoor;
//assigns more coordinates
array_figure[count2].Coord[count].xcoor = originX + x;
array_figure[count2].Coord[count].ycoor = originY + y;
//printf("%lf, %lf\n", array_figure[count2].Coord[count].xcoor, array_figure[count2].Coord[count].ycoor);
//printf("%c\n", array_figure[count]);
//printf("%d\n", count);
else if(strncmp(command, "drawFigure", 10) == 0)
printf("Found a drawFigure command\n");
sscanf(line,"%s%s\n", command, name);
//if statement; iterates through to with strncmp to find figure name to draw
//printf("%s\n", name);
drawFigureCount= 0;
//checks for which element matchs the specified name for drawing
strncmp(array_figure[drawFigureCount].name, name, LINE_LEN) != 0 &&
drawFigureCount < FIGURE_MAX)
if(drawFigureCount < FIGURE_MAX)
//printf("\tstartingX/Y assign\n");
startingX = array_figure[drawFigureCount].Coord[0].xcoor;
startingY = array_figure[drawFigureCount].Coord[0].ycoor;
//printf("\tdone - startingX/Y assign\n");
//sends coordinates to sketchpad
for(i=1; i< POINTS_MAX; ++i)
if(array_figure[drawFigureCount].Coord[i].xcoor != fup_value &&
array_figure[drawFigureCount].Coord[i].ycoor != fup_value)
//printf("\t\tdraw segment sent to output\n");
"drawSegment %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
lround(startingX), lround(startingY),
//printf("\t\tdone - draw segment sent to output\n");
//printf("\t\tstartingX/Y update\n");
startingX = array_figure[drawFigureCount].Coord[i].xcoor;
startingY = array_figure[drawFigureCount].Coord[i].ycoor;
//printf("\t\tdone - startingX/Y update\n");
} else break;
//printf("\tbroke out of the loop or the loop ended\n");
//checks for "end" in the input file to know when to stop making coordinates for a figure
else if(strncmp(command, "End", 3) == 0)
printf("Found a End command\n");
//strncpy(array_figure[count].name, command, LINE_LEN);
//printf("%s\n", array_figure[count].name);
count = 0;
//organizes and prints coordinates to console
else if(strncmp(command, "printFigure", 11) == 0)
//printf("Print Figure %s\n", name); **UNCOMMENT**
while(strncmp(array_figure[printFigureCount].name, name, LINE_LEN) != 0 &&
printFigureCount < FIGURE_MAX)
if(printFigureCount < FIGURE_MAX)
for(i=0; i< POINTS_MAX; ++i)
if(array_figure[printFigureCount].Coord[i].xcoor != fup_value &&
array_figure[printFigureCount].Coord[i].ycoor != fup_value)
//converts values to int for printing
int intConvertX = (int) array_figure[printFigureCount].Coord[i].xcoor;
int intConvertY = (int) array_figure[printFigureCount].Coord[i].ycoor;
//printf("%d %d\n", intConvertX, intConvertY); **UNCOMMENT**
else if(strncmp(command, "translate", 9) == 0)
printf("Found a Translate command\n");
/*else if(strncmp(command, "clearScreen", 11) == 0)
sscanf(line, "%s%s", command, clear);
printf("%s\n", clear);
else if(strncmp(command, "child", 5) == 0)
sscanf(line, "%s%s", command, clear);
printf("Found a child command\n");
//printf("\t\t\tsending child\n");
fprintf(pipe, "%s", &line[5]);
printf("passed fprintf\n");
if(strncmp(clear, "clearScreen", 11) == 0)
printf("%s\n", clear);
fprintf(pipe, "%s", &clear[11]);
//printf("\t\t\tdone -- sending child\n");
else if(strncmp(command, "#", 1) == 0)
printf("Found a # command\n");
//printf("%s", line); **COMMENT OUT**
If you take a notice whenever it says "clearScreen"
it will appear in the text file as "child clearScreen"
thus the if(strncmp(clear, "clearScreen", 11) == 0)
. I have it break afterwards, but I would like to make it call another function to reinitialize an array so i don't have to leave the function.
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Views: 1311
Reputation: 373
Depends on what you mean by "initialize".
If you have your struct array declared as
struct figure array_figure[19];
and you simply want to set all the values of the elements back to their defaults, then you can pass the array to a function and modifiy it inside the function (technically you are passing the pointer to the first element). A signature for such a function could look something like this:
void modify(struct figure *array_of_structs, unsigned int length_of_array)
and call it as follows:
modify(array_figure, 19); // if 19 is the length, that is
If you want a completely new array, then you must allocate a new one as suggested by Jonathan Cruz.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 2479
To initialize you use malloc to allocate the memory needed. malloc returns a pointer so you can put that in a function. If you want reinitialize you can free the struct and do it over again.
Something like:
typedef struct mystruct {
// ...
MyStruct* getMyStruct() {
return (MyStruct*) malloc(sizeof(MyStruct));
Check those links, that might help.
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