Reputation: 185
Im trying to run a procedure
where if the PK
is null
then insert variables
. I executed the procedure
and didnt receive an error, but when I go to look at the table
its still empty. Here is the code I have:
type tempcursor is ref cursor;
v_cur_result tempcursor;
errcode number;
errmesg varchar2(1000);
(null, 8172923, 'SRVCTYPE_CARDPULREHB', systimestamp, 23861881, systimestamp,
'ADAM', v_cur_result, errcode, errmesg);
The spec is below:
procedure spt_save_casedetail (
p_casedetailid_in in casedetail.casedetailid%type,
p_primarymemberplanid_in in casedetail.primarymemberplanid%type,
p_servicetypecd_in in casedetail.servicetypecd%type,
p_notifydt_in in casedetail.notifydt%type,
p_assignedentityid_in in casedetail.assignedentityid%type,
p_startdt_in in casedetail.startdt%type,
p_enddt_in in casedetail.enddt%type,
p_casetypemnemonic_in in casedetail.casetypemnemonic%type,
p_casestatusmnemonic_in in casedetail.casestatusmnemonic%type,
p_odsorderingproviderid_in in casedetail.odsorderingproviderid%type,
p_sourcemnemonic_in in casedetail.sourcemnemonic%type,
p_caseresolutionmnemonic_in in casedetail.caseresolutionmnemonic%type,
p_odsservicingproviderid_in in casedetail.odsservicingproviderid%type,
p_serviceitemmnemonic_in in casedetail.serviceitemmnemonic%type,
p_providerinnetworkind_in in casedetail.providerinnetworkind%type,
p_detailtxt_in in casedetail.detailtxt%type,
p_odsfacilityvendorid_in in casedetail.odsfacilityvendorid%type,
p_servicelocationcd_in in casedetail.servicelocationcd%type,
p_facilityinnetworkind_in in casedetail.facilityinnetworkind%type,
p_audit_user_in in casedetail.updatedby%type,
p_return_cur_out out sys_refcursor,
p_err_code_out out number,
p_err_mesg_out out varchar2);
I spoke to someone and they said something about opening the cursor
but Im not sure exactly how to do that so ill be looking into it. Anyways any nudge in the right direction is appreciated, thanks in advance.
Upvotes: 0
Views: 48
Reputation: 185
Nevermind I figured it out, it wasnt being inserted because the service type cd couldnt be found. Once I changed it to a different type, it was inserted.
Upvotes: 1