Reputation: 529
i am working in extjs4 MVC and I have been getting stuck at a point which is how to send object array in a single request. I know how to send single object to server.
1)Here is my some controller code :-
check:function () {
console.log("Inside check function.");
//creating objects in javascript
var obj = new Object();
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
var inputs = document.getElementsByName(i);
var radio = "";
for (var j = 0; j < inputs.length; j++) {
if (inputs[j].checked) {
name = inputs[j].name;
value = inputs[j].value;
obj[i] = {'questionId': name, 'option': value};
console.log("questionId=" + name + " value=" + value);
console.log("object name=" + obj[i].questionId + " Object value=" + obj[i].option);
var check = Ext.ModelManager.create(
questionId: name,
option: value,
}, 'Balaee.model.qb.QbquestionoptionModel');
console.log("User Infooooooooo:" + check.get('option'));
}// End of if statment
}// End of inner for loop
}//End of outer for loop
var storeObject = this.getStore('qb.QbquestionoptionStore');
console.log("data send");
}// End of check function
2)Model class :---
extend: '',
idproperty:'',//fields property first position pk.
fields: ['optionId','questionId','isAnswer','option','media','keyword','mediaTypeId',],
{type:'BelongsTo', model:'Mediatype', foreignKey:'mediaTypeId'},
{type:'BelongsTo', model:'Qbquestion', foreignKey:'questionId'},
{type:'HasMany', model:'Qbregistereduserfreequestionawnser', foreignKey:'answerOptionId'},
3)Here is my store :---
extend: '',
model: 'Balaee.model.qb.QbquestionoptionModel',
//autoLoad: true,
create: 'http://localhost/balaee/Balaee/index.php?r=QuestionBank/qbpaper/SetUserAnswer12',
update: 'http://localhost/balaee/Balaee/index.php?r=QuestionBank/qbpaper/SetUserAnswer13',
//destroy: ,
},//End of api
//root: ,
//successProperty: ,
},//End of reader
}//End of proxy
});//End of store
how can I solve this? please give some suggestion....
Upvotes: 4
Views: 4866
Reputation: 23983
Well, first you have to send it as JSON (at least I recommend that) and that can easily be done cause the Ext.Ajax.request()
method supports this out of the box
url: 'YourURL',
jsonData: YourObjectRef, // can be any object or JSON string
success: function(response, opts) {
// your code
And if you want to do it with a store use the type auto
for the Modelfield. This type can contain any object. Here's a JSFiddle with a list of objects within a model.
Here is a modification of your store configuration. Note that you can either define a read
only API or a CRUD API. For the later it is not possible to leave f.e. the destroy
action unset. You also need to know that a root property within the writer
implies that you want to encode your data, meaning all get send via get
which is defiantly not what you want.
Now to what this proxy does: Per default batch
will be true
which would cause the store to submit all changes at once when sync get called. If there are more then one changes for a action the proxy will submit a array of objects instead of a single one. Now if you don't take care about this you would now need to predict if you get a object or a array of objects for each request. We don't want end up in something like this. But there is the allowSingle
property on the writer which get us around this. If you set it to true
it will always send a array of objects back to the server even if there is only one. You now know that you get a array each time.
api: {
create: 'index.php?r=...',
update: 'index.php?r=...',
destroy: 'index.php?r=...',
reader: {
writer: {
allowSingle: false
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 3124
If you are wanting to submit several records from a store through in a single proxy request as an array, you should configure your writer with the allowSingle config to false. This will force your proxy request to wrap the request object in an array, even if only a single modle instance is being saved/added/etc.!/api/
writer: {
allowSingle: false
Upvotes: 1