Reputation: 1433
I have a web application with Spring MVC.
spring controller method:
class RealmInfoController{
@RequestMapping(value = {"/companies/{companyId}/realms/{realmName}"})
public RealmInfo realmInfo(@PathVariable long companyId, @PathVariable String realmName)
Handler match:
When the server gets this url, the spring servlet gets called. but it cannot match the controller method.
But if I change the request mapping to "/{companyId}/realms/{realmName}" then it matches the controller method. But it is not nice to define the url mapping without '/companies'. Can Spring be instructed in some way to look for match including the url pattern specified in the servlet?
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Views: 6396
Reputation: 544
if you want to use "companies" in request mapping you should map your dispatcher servlet to the root:
Upvotes: 1