Reputation: 4895
Please excuse the terminology, my mind is still bending.
The tree:
data Ftree a = Empty | Leaf a | Branch ( Ftree a ) ( Ftree a )
deriving ( Show )
I have a few questions:
If Ftree
could not be Empty
, would it no longer be a Monoid
since there is no identity value.
How would you implement mappend
with this tree? Can you just arbitrarily graft two trees together willy nilly?
For binary search trees, would you have to introspect some of the elements in both trees to make sure the result of mappend
is still a BST?
For the record, some other stuff Ftree
could do here:
instance Functor Ftree where
fmap g Empty = Empty
fmap g ( Leaf a ) = Leaf ( g a )
fmap g ( Branch tl tr ) = Branch ( fmap g tl ) ( fmap g tr )
instance Monad Ftree where
return = Leaf
Empty >>= g = Empty
Leaf a >>= g = g a
Branch lt rt >>= g = Branch ( lt >>= g ) ( rt >>= g )
Upvotes: 6
Views: 2117
Reputation: 25763
There are three answers to your question, one captious and one unhelpful and one abstract:
instance Monoid (Ftree a) where
mempty = Empty
mappend = Branch
This is an instance of the Monoid
type class, but does not satisfy any of the required properties.
What Monoid do you want? Just asking for a monoid instance without further information is like asking for a solution without giving the problem. Sometimes there is a natural monoid instance (e.g. for lists) or there is only one (e.g. for ()
, disregarding questions of definedness). I don’t think either is the case here.
BTW: There would be an interesting monoid instance if your tree would have data at internal nodes that combines two trees recursively...
Since you gave a Monad (Ftree a)
instance, there is a generic way to get a Monoid
instance (Monoid a, Monad f) => Monoid (f a) where
mempty = return mempty
mappend f g = f >>= (\x -> (mappend x) `fmap` g)
Lets check if this is a Monoid. I use <> = mappend
. We assume that the Monad
laws hold (I did not check that for your definition). At this point, recall the Monad laws written in do-notation.
Our mappend
, written in do-Notation, is:
mappend f g = do
x <- f
y <- g
return (f <> g)
So we can verify the monoid laws now:
Left identity
mappend mempty g
≡ -- Definition of mappend
x <- mempty
y <- g
return (x <> y)
≡ -- Definition of mempty
x <- return mempty
y <- g
return (x <> y)
≡ -- Monad law
y <- g
return (mempty <> y)
≡ -- Underlying monoid laws
y <- g
return y
≡ -- Monad law
Right identity
mappend f mempty
≡ -- Definition of mappend
x <- f
y <- mempty
return (x <> y)
≡ -- Monad law
x <- f
return (x <> mempty)
≡ -- Underlying monoid laws
x <- f
return x
≡ -- Monad law
And finally the important associativity law
mappend f (mappend g h)
≡ -- Definition of mappend
x <- f
y <- do
x' <- g
y' <- h
return (x' <> y')
return (x <> y)
≡ -- Monad law
x <- f
x' <- g
y' <- h
y <- return (x' <> y')
return (x <> y)
≡ -- Monad law
x <- f
x' <- g
y' <- h
return (x <> (x' <> y'))
≡ -- Underlying monoid law
x <- f
x' <- g
y' <- h
return ((x <> x') <> y')
≡ -- Monad law
x <- f
x' <- g
z <- return (x <> x')
y' <- h
return (z <> y')
≡ -- Monad law
z <- do
x <- f
x' <- g
return (x <> x')
y' <- h
return (z <> y')
≡ -- Definition of mappend
mappend (mappend f g) h
So for every (proper) Monad (and even for every applicative functor, as Jake McArthur pointed out on #haskell), there is a Monoid instance. It may or may not be the one that you are looking for.
Upvotes: 12