Reputation: 367
I have problem, i can't figure out how i must decide what sub-tree my function indexJ
must to choose at the each step walks through the my balanced binary tree - JoinList
The idea is to cache the size (number of data elements) of each sub-tree. This can then be used at each step to determine if the desired index is in the left or the right branch.
I have this code:
data JoinList m a = Empty
| Single m a
| Append m (JoinList m a) (JoinList m a)
deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype Size = Size Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num)
getSize :: Size -> Int
getSize (Size i) = i
class Sized a where
size :: a -> Size
instance Sized Size where
size = id
instance Monoid Size where
mempty = Size 0
mappend = (+)
i write functions:
tag :: Monoid m => JoinList m a -> m
tag Empty = mempty
tag (Single x dt) = x
tag (Append x l_list r_list) = x
(+++) :: Monoid m => JoinList m a -> JoinList m a -> JoinList m a
(+++) jl1 jl2 = Append (mappend (tag jl1) (tag jl2)) jl1 jl2
indexJ :: (Sized b, Monoid b) => Int -> JoinList b a -> Maybe a
indexJ _ Empty = Nothing
indexJ i jl | i < 0 || (i+1) > (sizeJl jl) = Nothing
where sizeJl = getSize . size . tag
indexJ 0 (Single m d) = Just d
indexJ 0 (Append m (Single sz1 dt1) jl2) = Just dt1
indexJ i (Append m jl1 jl2) = if (sizeJl jl1) >= (sizeJl jl2)
then indexJ (i-1) jl1
else indexJ (i-1) jl2
where sizeJl = getSize . size . tag
functions tag
and (+++)
working well, but i need to finish indexJ
function, which must return i-th element from my JoinList tree, i = [0..n]
my function indexJ
working wrong =)
if i have empty tree - it's (Size 0)
if i have Single (Size 1) "data" - it's (Size 1)
but what about if i have Append (Size 2) (Single (Size 1) 'k') (Single (Size 1) 'l') what branch i must choose? i-1 = 1 and i have two branches with 1 data element in each.
UPDATE: if someone needs take and drop functions for JoinList's trees i make it:
dropJ :: (Sized b, Monoid b) => Int -> JoinList b a -> JoinList b a
dropJ _ Empty = Empty
dropJ n jl | n <= 0 = jl
dropJ n jl | n >= (getSize . size $ tag jl) = Empty
dropJ n (Append m jL1 jL2)
| n == s1 = jL2
| n < s1 = (dropJ n jL1) +++ jL2
| otherwise = dropJ (n - s1) jL2
where s1 = getSize . size $ tag jL1
takeJ :: (Sized b, Monoid b) => Int -> JoinList b a -> JoinList b a
takeJ _ Empty = Empty
takeJ n jl | n <= 0 = Empty
takeJ n jl | n >= (getSize . size $ tag jl) = jl
takeJ n (Append m jL1 jL2)
| n == s1 = jL1
| n < s1 = (takeJ n jL1)
| otherwise = jL1 +++ takeJ (n - s1) jL2
where s1 = getSize . size $ tag jL1
Upvotes: 2
Views: 410
Reputation: 183878
I suppose in
Append m joinList1 joinList2
the elements of joinList1
are meant to take up the first indices, followed by the elements of joinList2
Then, when indexing
indexJ i (Append m jL1 jL2)
you have to compare i
to the size of jL1
- let us call that s1
. Then the elements of jL1
occupy the indices 0 to s1 - 1
, and the elements of jL2
occupy the indices from s1
to s1 + s2 - 1
, hence
indexJ :: (Sized b, Monoid b) => Int -> JoinList b a -> Maybe a
indexJ _ Empty = Nothing
indexJ i (Single m d)
| i == 0 = Just d
| otherwise = Nothing
indexJ i (Append m jL1 jL2)
| i < 0 = Nothing
| i >= getSize (size m) = Nothing -- optional, more efficient to have it
| i < s1 = indexJ i jL1
| otherwise = indexJ (i - s1) jL2
s1 = getSize . size $ tag jL1
if the index is smaller than s1
, we look in the first sublist, otherwise in the second.
Upvotes: 6
Reputation: 5018
Typically you would encode the position in a tree-structure by sequences of numbers, not just a single number. For example (assuming indices start at 0):
[] -- empty sequence = root of tree
[0,1] -- first follow the first child, then the second child
[0,0,0] -- go 3 levels down in the leftmost branch
That would make the implementation of an index function much simpler.
Upvotes: 1