Reputation: 63
I am using this AdMob plugin ( to serve AdMob ads in Android. I am not getting any advertisements and there is a large (25%) area of the screen at the bottom that is white. I do get this error "CordovaLog(275): TypeError: Result of expression 'window.plugins' [undefined] is not an object." in my Aptana/Eclipse log when running in the emulator.
The documentation setup says to put the "AdMob Cordova plugin jar inside libs/". There is only a .Java file. Am I supposed to compile this into a JAR file and put it in that folder? Are there any tutorials showing this plugin working?
Thanks in advance
Upvotes: 3
Views: 2502
Reputation: 122
Try a different plugin as it sounds like this plugin is broken. I know this one works
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-admob-simple
Integration is as follows:
-Add the following javascript functions, put in your own ad code, play with the variables if you want.
-Call initAd() from onDeviceReady(), and showBannerFunc() and showInterstitialFunc() to show ads.
//initialize the goodies
function initAd(){
if ( window.plugins && window.plugins.AdMob ) {
var ad_units = {
ios : {
banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx', //PUT ADMOB ADCODE HERE
interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx' //PUT ADMOB ADCODE HERE
android : {
banner: 'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx', //PUT ADMOB ADCODE HERE
interstitial: 'ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxx' //PUT ADMOB ADCODE HERE
var admobid = ( /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) ? : ad_units.ios;
window.plugins.AdMob.setOptions( {
publisherId: admobid.banner,
interstitialAdId: admobid.interstitial,
bannerAtTop: false, // set to true, to put banner at top
overlap: true, // banner will overlap webview
offsetTopBar: false, // set to true to avoid ios7 status bar overlap
isTesting: false, // receiving test ad
autoShow: false // auto show interstitial ad when loaded
window.plugins.AdMob.createInterstitialView(); //get the interstitials ready to be shown
} else {
//alert( 'admob plugin not ready' );
//functions to allow you to know when ads are shown, etc.
function registerAdEvents() {
document.addEventListener('onReceiveAd', function(){});
document.addEventListener('onFailedToReceiveAd', function(data){});
document.addEventListener('onPresentAd', function(){});
document.addEventListener('onDismissAd', function(){ });
document.addEventListener('onLeaveToAd', function(){ });
document.addEventListener('onReceiveInterstitialAd', function(){ });
document.addEventListener('onPresentInterstitialAd', function(){ });
document.addEventListener('onDismissInterstitialAd', function(){
window.plugins.AdMob.createInterstitialView(); //REMOVE THESE 2 LINES IF USING AUTOSHOW
window.plugins.AdMob.requestInterstitialAd(); //get the next one ready only after the current one is closed
//display the banner
function showBannerFunc(){
//display the interstitial
function showInterstitialFunc(){
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 433
Fixed it by commenting out this line in the code:
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 942
Make sure you have added references to Phonegap/Cordova prior references to the AdMob plug-in, as it depends on it.
You can take a look at this video tutorial how to use PhoneGap plug-ins:
Good luck!
Upvotes: 0