Reputation: 257
I'm having an issue when I create a recordset object in classic asp where my recordset object does not recognize the correct number of results.
My code:
subProdQuery = "SELECT idProduct, idSupplier FROM products WHERE pcprod_ParentPrd="&prodID&";"
subRes = conn.execute(subProdQuery)
if subRes.BOF and subRes.EOF then
response.write subProdQuery&"<br>"&subRes("idProduct")&"LAST ENTRY<br>"
do until subRes.EOF
response.write subRes("idProduct")&"<br>"
end if
set subRes = nothing
The results I'm getting are very strange. If I manually type the generated queries into SQL management studio, I get at least 5 results for each. When generating the results via asp, subRes is always recognized as being both BOF and EOF. However, the result of printing subRes("idProduct") in each case is the first result that I expect for each query. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Upvotes: 3
Views: 150
Reputation: 107706
Firstly, protect against SQL injection and use an ADODB.Command with parameters. At least, if ProdID is an int, validate it first.
You sometimes need a call to MoveFirst to set the BOF/EOF flags. It is sufficient to check for EOF only if you are moving forwards only.
on error resume next
Dim inttest
inttest = CLng(prodID)
if err.number > 0 then ... <<< do something about invalid inputs
on error goto 0
subProdQuery = "SELECT idProduct, idSupplier FROM products WHERE pcprod_ParentPrd=" & prodID
subRes = conn.execute(subProdQuery)
subRes.MoveFirst ' << add this
if subRes.EOF then
response.write subProdQuery&"<br>"&subRes("idProduct")&"LAST ENTRY<br>"
do until subRes.EOF
response.write subRes("idProduct")&"<br>"
end if
set subRes = nothing
Instead of ADOConnection.Execute, I normally use ADOConnection.Open which allows more options.
Const adUseClient = 3
Const adCmdText = 1
Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0
Const adLockReadOnly = 1
Dim subRes = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
subRes.Open subProdQuery, conn, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adUseClient
Upvotes: 2