Reputation: 1235
I want to find the common elements in two [lists, vectors, sequences] when there can be duplicates.
(common-elements [1] [1]) ; [1]
(common-elements [1 2] [1 1]) ; [1]
(common-elements [1 1] [1 1 1]) ; [1 1]
Here is what I currently have:
(defn remove-first [elem coll]
(when-let [s (seq coll)]
(let [f (first s), r (rest s)]
(if (= elem f)
(cons f (remove-first elem r)))))))
(defn common-elements [coll1 coll2]
(when (and (seq coll1) (seq coll2))
(let [f (first coll1)]
(if (some #{f} coll2)
(cons f (common-elements (rest coll1)
(remove-first f coll2)))
(common-elements (rest coll1) coll2)))))
My experience with 4clojure has shown me that I rarely write the most idiomatic or succinct code so I'm interested in finding out whether there is a better way of doing this.
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Views: 2356
Reputation: 1080
(defn get-commons [l1 l2]
(let [f1 (frequencies l1)
f2 (frequencies l2)
common (clojure.set/intersection (set l1) (set l2))
love (merge-with (fn [val1 val2] (min val1 val2)) f1 f2)]
(mapcat #(repeat (love %) %) common)))
The function is similar to the ones given in previous answers. I still submit this answer for Clojure beginners who may stumble on this question. I believe the function makes clearer the steps needed for the function to evaluate to a result.
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Reputation: 26456
Not the most efficient, but fairly concise:
(defn common [& ss]
(let [fs (map frequencies ss), ks (map set ss)]
(select-keys (apply merge-with min fs)
(reduce clojure.set/intersection ks))))
Returns maps of values and counts
(common [1] [1]) ;=> {1 1}
(common [1 2] [1 1]) ;=> {1 1}
(common [1 1] [1 1 1]) ;=> {1 2}
Another approach, modified from my own question Idiomatic/Efficient Clojure way to intersect two a priori sorted vectors?,
(defn common [x y]
(loop [x (sort x) y (sort y) acc []]
(if (and x y)
(let [x1 (first x)
y1 (first y)]
( < x1 y1) (recur (next x) y acc)
( > x1 y1) (recur x (next y) acc)
:else (recur (next x) (next y) (conj acc x1))))
which returns a vector as in the original question
(common [1 1 1 2 2 3] [1 1 2 5]) ;=> [1 1 2]
Of course if you know your inputs are sorted, you may omit the sort
, and if you furthermore know they are vectors you can use the optimizations provided by amalloy in answer to the referenced question.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 13961
Here's my implementation. It uses maps and sets to hold intermediate data, and thus is not lazy like your version, but I think it is more readable and will have better overall performance characteristics (your version has quadratic time complexity to realize the results from common-elements).
(require '[clojure.set :as set])
(defn common-elements [& colls]
(let [freqs (map frequencies colls)]
(mapcat (fn [e] (repeat (apply min (map #(% e) freqs)) e))
(apply set/intersection (map (comp set keys) freqs)))))
Upvotes: 4