Reputation: 1043
Assume (list 'red 'blue 'green 'yellow)
and (list 'black 'red 'orange 'green)
, then it should produce 2 since there are 2 same elements. I only know how to find the same elements in the exact same place as follows:
(define (helper l1 l2)
[(equal? l1) empty]
[(equal? l2) empty]
[(equal? (first l1) (first l2)) true]
[else (rest l1) (rest l2)]))
Help please. :)
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Views: 1288
Reputation: 1
this my code for finding the same elements in two list on racket
(define (cek x y)
[(null? y) 0]
[(eq? x (car y)) (+ 1 (cek x (cdr y)))]
[else (cek x (cdr y))]
(define (sifat x y)
[(null? x) 0]
[else (+ (cek (car x) y) (sifat (cdr x) y))]
Upvotes: -1
Reputation: 85
In case you're not doing this as a homework exercise, here's Óscar López' code using Racket's set library.
#lang racket
(require racket/set)
(define number-same (compose1 length set-intersect))
(number-same '(red blue green yellow)
'(black red orange green))
Upvotes: 3