
Reputation: 10353

Extracting information from the largest rectangle in an image using openCV in Android

I use the following code to find find out the largest rectangle of a captured image from the android camera:

private static Mat findLargestRectangle(Mat original_image) {
        Mat imgSource = original_image;

        Bitmap bmpOriOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(imgSource.cols(), imgSource.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

        Utils.matToBitmap(imgSource, bmpOriOut);

        try {
            bmpOriOut.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, new FileOutputStream("/sdcard/mediaAppPhotos/original.jpg"));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        //convert the image to black and white, commenting this wont crash
        Imgproc.cvtColor(imgSource, imgSource, Imgproc.COLOR_BGR2RGB);

        //convert the image to black and white does (8 bit), commenting this crashes
        Imgproc.Canny(imgSource, imgSource, 50, 50);

        //apply gaussian blur to smoothen lines of dots, commenting this crashes
        Imgproc.GaussianBlur(imgSource, imgSource, new Size(5, 5), 5);

        //find the contours
        List<MatOfPoint> contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();
        Imgproc.findContours(imgSource, contours, new Mat(), Imgproc.RETR_LIST, Imgproc.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

        double maxArea = -1;
        int maxAreaIdx = -1;        MatOfPoint temp_contour = contours.get(0); //the largest is at the index 0 for starting point
        MatOfPoint2f approxCurve = new MatOfPoint2f();
        Mat largest_contour = contours.get(0);
        List<MatOfPoint> largest_contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();
        for (int idx = 0; idx < contours.size(); idx++) {
            temp_contour = contours.get(idx);
            double contourarea = Imgproc.contourArea(temp_contour);
            //compare this contour to the previous largest contour found
            if (contourarea > maxArea) {
                //check if this contour is a square
                MatOfPoint2f new_mat = new MatOfPoint2f( temp_contour.toArray() );
                int contourSize = (int);
                Imgproc.approxPolyDP(new_mat, approxCurve, contourSize*0.05, true);
                if ( == 4) {
                    maxArea = contourarea;
                    maxAreaIdx = idx;
                    largest_contour = temp_contour;
        MatOfPoint temp_largest = largest_contours.get(largest_contours.size()-1);
        largest_contours = new ArrayList<MatOfPoint>();

        Imgproc.cvtColor(imgSource, imgSource, Imgproc.COLOR_BayerBG2RGB);
        Imgproc.drawContours(imgSource, largest_contours, -1, new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);

        //create the new image here using the largest detected square

        //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Largest Contour: ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
        Bitmap bmpOut = Bitmap.createBitmap(imgSource.cols(), imgSource.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);

        Utils.matToBitmap(imgSource, bmpOut);

        try {
            bmpOut.compress(CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, new FileOutputStream("/sdcard/mediaAppPhotos/bigrect.jpg"));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        return imgSource;

Largest rectangle from the image is successfully detected like this:

But my question is, how can I save the DETECTED LARGEST RECTANGLE as a bitmap (without black and white) Any help is greatly appreciated.

Upvotes: 2

Views: 3475

Answers (1)


Reputation: 3921

Instead of drawing it on the imgSource matrix:

Imgproc.drawContours(imgSource, largest_contours, -1, new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);

Create an empty black/white Mat and draw on it. Something like this (black initial matrix):

emptyMat = Mat.zeros(imgSource.size(), imgSource.channels());
Imgproc.drawContours(emptyMat, largest_contours, -1, new Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1);

Of course, you can use the Mat constructor for creating the initial background matrix you want.

Upvotes: 5

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