In Alfresco it is possible to search for a document with a content mimetype
like this:
The search documenatition describes this as
Content has some additional information about the mimetype and size which can also be used in queries. These are of the form @cm:content.mimetype.
Is it possible to search for a content encoding, too? This has no effect:
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Views: 577
Reputation: 341
I am using the Alfresco 4.2.d and in the Repository search I get results for eg. UTF-16BE encoding when searching like this:
Url: http://localhost:8080/share/page/search?t=%40cm%5C%3Acontent.encoding%3AUTF-16BE&s=&a=true&r=true
or when using the server side JavaScript search (webscript):
var query = "@cm\\:content.mimetype:text/plain AND @cm\\:content.encoding:UTF-16BE";
var nodes = search.luceneSearch(query, null, true, 1000);
Upvotes: 1