Reputation: 2023
I've made a grammar for APL subset.
grammar APL;
program: (statement NEWLINE)*;
statement: thing;
assignment: variable LARR thing;
thing: simpleThing
| complexThing;
escapedThing: simpleThing
| '(' complexThing ')';
simpleThing: variable # ThingVariable
| number # ThingNumber
complexThing: unary # ThingUOp
| binary # ThingBOp
| assignment # ThingAssignment
variable: CAPITAL;
number: DIGITS;
unary: iota # UOpIota
| negate # UOpNegate
iota: SMALL_IOTA number;
negate: TILDA thing;
binary: drop # BOpDrop
| select # BOpSelect
| outerProduct # BOpOuterProduct
| setInclusion # BOpSetInclusion
drop: left=number SPIKE right=thing;
select: left=escapedThing SLASH right=thing;
outerProduct: left=escapedThing OUTER_PRODUCT_OP right=thing;
setInclusion: left=escapedThing '∊' right=thing;
NEWLINE: [\r\n]+;
DIGITS: [0-9]+;
TILDA: '~';
SLASH: '/';
// greek
SMALL_IOTA: 'ι' | '@i';
// arrows
LARR: '←' | '@<-';
SPIKE: '↓' | '@Iv';
OUTER_PRODUCT_OP: '∘.×' | '@o.@x';
Now I'd like to create an interpreter for it. I'm trying to use clj-antlr with Clojure. How do I do that?
Upvotes: 4
Views: 1081
Reputation: 14197
As Jared314 pointed, take a look at instaparse:
This is how you create a grammar:
(def as-and-bs
"S = AB*
AB = A B
A = 'a'+
B = 'b'+"))
This is how you call it:
(as-and-bs "aaaaabbbaaaabb")
And here is the result with default formatting:
[:AB [:A "a" "a" "a" "a" "a"] [:B "b" "b" "b"]]
[:AB [:A "a" "a" "a" "a"] [:B "b" "b"]]]
While ANTLR is definitely doing a great job, in the Clojure world you can remove all the surrounding glue by using instaparse.
Upvotes: 2