Reputation: 432
I have a console application that I launch from a GUI applicaiton. The console application takes parameters for filenames to parse and process. Currently I am able to capture its output and display it in the GUI application but I would like to be able to send commands to it so as to control or even halt its execution.
How can I send a command or string or anything to the console application, preferably using the pipes that I opened in order to read its output?
CReadBuffer = 2400;
saSecurity: TSecurityAttributes;
hRead: THandle;
hWrite: THandle;
suiStartup: TStartupInfo;
piProcess: TProcessInformation;
pBuffer: array[0..CReadBuffer] of AnsiChar;
dRead: DWord;
dRunning: DWord;
dWritten: DWord;
Command: String;
BytesLeft: Integer;
BytesAvail: Integer;
saSecurity.nLength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes);
saSecurity.bInheritHandle := True;
saSecurity.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil;
if CreatePipe(hRead, hWrite, @saSecurity, 0) then
FillChar(suiStartup, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), #0);
suiStartup.cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo);
suiStartup.hStdInput := hRead;
suiStartup.hStdOutput := hWrite;
suiStartup.hStdError := hWrite;
suiStartup.wShowWindow := SW_HIDE;
Command := 'messageparser.exe c:\messagefile.msg';
if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(Command), @saSecurity,
@saSecurity, True, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, nil, nil, suiStartup, piProcess) then
dRunning := WaitForSingleObject(piProcess.hProcess, 100);
dRead := 0;
if not PeekNamedPipe(hread, @pbuffer, CReadBuffer, @dRead, @BytesAvail, @BytesLeft) then
if dRead <> 0 then
ReadFile(hRead, pBuffer[0], CReadBuffer, dRead, nil);
pBuffer[dRead] := #0;
OemToCharA(pBuffer, pBuffer);
// do something with the data
// if a condition is present then do the following:
// WriteFile(hWrite, some_command, size_of_buffer, DWritten, nil);
until (dRead < CReadBuffer);
until (dRunning <> WAIT_TIMEOUT);
Then on the console side, there is a thread waiting for the input. Here is the execute method:
while not Terminated do
// process command
This is new to me so if there are tips on how do it right, I welcome them :). However whenever I send a Command, it comes over as whatever I read in the pBuffer from the ReadPipe and not what the command is.
Hope this helps.
Found a solution based on the tip by Nat.
Bi-directional communication between gui and console
Upvotes: 9
Views: 7769
Reputation: 5453
You need two pipes, one for the process to send output to you (stdout
), and one for you to send input to the process (stdin
From your code, it looks like you are putting both ends of the same pipe into the TStartupInfo
record. So you are effectively making the process talk to itself. :-)
So, you need to call CreatePipe()
twice, to create two pipes, one for stdin
, one for stdout
(and stderr
Then, put the reading handle of stdin
in suiStartup.hStdInput
and the writing handle of stdout
in suiStartup.hStdOutput
To send data to the process, write to the write handle of the stdin
pipe. To read the output of the process, read the read handle of the stdout
Edit: (again)
As for all the duplicating handles and inheritable and non-inheritable stuff described on this page (specifically in the code example), you need to make sure the handles you send to the process are inheritable (as you have done).
You should also make sure the handles of the pipes that the parent process use are not inheritable. But you don't have to do this... I've gotten away with not doing it before.
You can do this by either calling DuplicateHandle()
on the handles, specifying they are not inheritable and closing the old handles, or calling SetHandleInformation()
with 0 specified for the flags (as discussed here).
It's been a while since I have done this myself, but I'm pretty sure this is so that the reference count for the handles is associated with the calling process, rather than the child process. This prevents a handle being closed whilst you're still using it (the calling process might close 'stdin' for example). Make sure you close the handles though, otherwise you will end up leaking handles.
Upvotes: 9
Reputation: 3189
Check this out to see that you need to create both pipes (by calling the WINAPI twice) as reiterated by Nat but what about the inheritable handles - not sure why this is needed?
I think what might also be confusing is that when you create a pipe you are creating a read handle and a write handle for that pipe. In the case of the console's stdin pipe you will only use the write handle. Then you create another pipe for the console's stdout (which will also have a read and write handle) but you will only use the read handle.
I believe I have that correct but it is late and I'm going to bed.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 61398
Along with output pipeline there's an input pipeline. Just write to that pipe using WriteFile().
Upvotes: 1