Reputation: 1571
I want to implement a method for showing a propositional formula in SML. The solutions that I found so far was of this type:
fun show (Atom a) = a
| show (Neg p) = "(~ " ^ show p ^ ")"
| show (Conj(p,q)) = "(" ^ show p ^ " & " ^ show q ^ ")"
| show (Disj(p,q)) = "(" ^ show p ^ " | " ^ show q ^ ")";
This produces unnecessary braces:
((~p) & (q | r))
when, what I'd like to have is:
~ p & (q | r)
I saw, that Haskell has a function (display?) which does this nicely. Can someone help me out a little bit. How should I go about this?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 791
Reputation: 153332
If you want to eliminate redundant parentheses, you will need to pass around some precedence information. For example, in Haskell, the showsPrec
function embodies this pattern; it has type
showsPrec :: Show a => Int -> a -> String -> String
where the first Int
argument is the precedence of the current printing context. The extra String
argument is a trick to get efficient list appending. I'll demonstrate how to write a similar function for your type, though admittedly in Haskell (since I know that language best) and without using the extra efficiency trick.
The idea is to first build a string that has no top-level parentheses -- but does have all the parentheses needed to disambiguate subterms -- then add parentheses only if necessary. The unbracketed
computation below does the first step. Then the only question is: when should we put parentheses around our term? Well, the answer to that is that things should be parenthesized when a low-precedence term is an argument to a high-precedence operator. So we need to compare the precedence of our immediate "parent" -- called dCntxt
in the code below -- to the precedence of the term we're currently rendering -- called dHere
in the code below. The bracket
function below either adds parentheses or leaves the string alone based on the result of this comparison.
data Formula
= Atom String
| Neg Formula
| Conj Formula Formula
| Disj Formula Formula
precedence :: Formula -> Int
precedence Atom{} = 4
precedence Neg {} = 3
precedence Conj{} = 2
precedence Disj{} = 1
displayPrec :: Int -> Formula -> String
displayPrec dCntxt f = bracket unbracketed where
dHere = precedence f
recurse = displayPrec dHere
unbracketed = case f of
Atom s -> s
Neg p -> "~ " ++ recurse p
Conj p q -> recurse p ++ " & " ++ recurse q
Disj p q -> recurse p ++ " | " ++ recurse q
| dCntxt > dHere = \s -> "(" ++ s ++ ")"
| otherwise = id
display :: Formula -> String
display = displayPrec 0
Here's how it looks in action.
*Main> display (Neg (Conj (Disj (Conj (Atom "a") (Atom "b")) (Atom "c")) (Conj (Atom "d") (Atom "e"))))
"~ ((a & b | c) & d & e)"
Upvotes: 14