Reputation: 41
I got the following code which work great and do exactly what I want in Lua 5.1, however trying to port that to 5.2 (and the lack of LUA_GLOBALSINDEX) Im having issues... Anybody can tell me what is the equivalent of:
thread->L = lua_newthread( G );
lua_pushvalue( G, -1 );
thread->index = luaL_ref( G, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX );
lua_newtable( thread->L );
lua_newtable( thread->L );
lua_pushliteral( thread->L, "__index" );
-- Problem... no more LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, cannot find equivalent for push.
lua_pushvalue( thread->L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
lua_settable( thread->L, -3 );
lua_setmetatable( thread->L, -2 );
-- Problem... no more LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, cannot find equivalent for replace.
lua_replace( thread->L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );
in Lua 5.2?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 473
Reputation: 29493
You should use lua_pushglobaltable(thead->L)
(or if you have to, lua_rawgeti(thread->L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS)
. This is explained in the accepted answer to Lua 5.2 LUA_GLOBALSINDEX Alternative.
Upvotes: 2