Reputation: 2189
I am trying to write a function to read files from a directory and then either print the head of the file or summary of the head of the file in R. My code is as below...
getmonitor <- function(id, directory, summarize = FALSE) {
if(id>=1 && id<10) {
te1 <- paste("00",id,sep="")
} else if(id>10 && id<=99) {
te1 <- paste("0",id,sep="")
} else {
te1 <- id
filename = paste(directory, te1, sep = "/")
filename1 = paste(filename, "csv", sep = ".")
test <- read.csv(file = filename1)
if(summarize==TRUE) {
test1 <- summary(test)
} else {
test1 = test
return (test1)
When i use this function without summarize option it works fine as below....
data <- getmonitor(1, "specdata")
> head(data)
Date sulfate nitrate ID
1 2003-01-01 NA NA 1
2 2003-01-02 NA NA 1
3 2003-01-03 NA NA 1
4 2003-01-04 NA NA 1
5 2003-01-05 NA NA 1
6 2003-01-06 NA NA 1
But when i use the summary option then i getting the output with all quotes around the lines as below...
data <- getmonitor(101, "specdata", TRUE)
> head(data)
Date sulfate nitrate ID
"2005-01-01: 1 " "Min. : 1.700 " "Min. : 0.2490 " "Min. :101 "
"2005-01-02: 1 " "1st Qu.: 3.062 " "1st Qu.: 0.6182 " "1st Qu.:101 "
"2005-01-03: 1 " "Median : 4.345 " "Median : 1.0500 " "Median :101 "
"2005-01-04: 1 " "Mean : 6.267 " "Mean : 2.2679 " "Mean :101 "
"2005-01-05: 1 " "3rd Qu.: 7.435 " "3rd Qu.: 2.7825 " "3rd Qu.:101 "
"2005-01-06: 1 " "Max. :22.100 " "Max. :10.8000 " "Max. :101 "
I don't want any of the quotes for the lines. I even tried converting this into df but doesn't work. Where am i doing wrong?
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Views: 18708
Reputation: 2189
I finally got what i wanted using the bits and pieces from the above all. Here is the final code. Thanks a ton for the help though. Much appreciated......
getmonitor <- function(id, directory, summarize = FALSE) {
te1 <- formatC(id, width=3, flag="0")
filename = paste(directory, te1, sep = "/")
filename1 = paste(filename, "csv", sep = ".")
test <- read.table(file = filename1, header=T, sep=",")
if(summarize) {
return (test)
} else {
return (test)
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 2986
First of all I would get rid of the ugly if-else construct using formatC or sprintf.(see SO question).If you want to print the head of the file or the summary of the head of the file, you have to put this in your function :-) .
getmonitor <- function(id, directory, summarize = FALSE) {
te1 <- formatC(id, width=4, flag="0")
filename = paste(directory, te1, sep = "/")
filename1 = paste(filename, "csv", sep = ".")
test <- read.csv(file = filename1)
if(summarize==TRUE) {
test1 <- summary(head(test))
} else {
test1 = head(test)
return (test1)
As an example I just use a randomly selected csv-file in my data directory.
term vola range
1 30 0.2129 max
2 30 0.1191 quartile
3 30 0.0944 median
4 30 0.0855 quartile
5 30 0.0714 min
6 60 0.1831 max
or if you want to get the summary of the head:
term vola range
Min. :30 Min. :0.07140 max :2
1st Qu.:30 1st Qu.:0.08772 median :1
Median :30 Median :0.10675 min :1
Mean :35 Mean :0.12773 quartile:2
3rd Qu.:30 3rd Qu.:0.16710
Max. :60 Max. :0.21290
Hope this helps. Be aware that your function only returns the summary/head of the file, so that you have to read-in the file again when you really want to do some work with it.(not very efficient, especially with large files )
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Reputation: 683
# Usage: getmonitor(12,"specdata",TRUE)
getmonitor <- function(id, directory, summarize = FALSE) {
if(summarize == TRUE)
if (l==2)
if(summarize == TRUE)
if(summarize == TRUE)
run this and put this in your working directory. and your working directory must have the specdata folder in it. Hope that helps. !!
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Reputation: 34677
Your read.csv line can have a colClasses parameter, representing:
A vector of classes to be assumed for the columns
So perhaps specify your column types in that vector explicitly. Leave a comment if it doesn't sort you and I'll look into things further.
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