Haydn V. Harach
Haydn V. Harach

Reputation: 1275

Logarithmic Depth Buffer OpenGL

I've managed to implement a logarithmic depth buffer in OpenGL, mainly courtesy of articles from Outerra (You can read them here, here, and here). However, I'm having some issues, and I'm not sure if these issues are inherent to using a logarithmic depth buffer or if there's some workaround I can't think of.

Just to start off, this is how I calculate logarithmic depth within the vertex shader:

gl_Position = MVP * vec4(inPosition, 1.0);
gl_Position.z = log2(max(ZNEAR, 1.0 + gl_Position.w)) * FCOEF - 1.0;
flogz = 1.0 + gl_Position.w;

And this is how I fix depth values in the fragment shader:

gl_FragDepth = log2(flogz) * HALF_FCOEF;

Where ZNEAR = 0.0001, ZFAR = 1000000.0, FCOEF = 2.0 / log2(ZFAR + 1.0), and HALF_FCOEF = 0.5 * FCOEF. C, in my case, is 1.0, to simplify my code and reduce calculations.

For starters, I'm extremely pleased with the level of precision I get. With normal depth buffering (znear = 0.1, zfar = 1000.0), I get quite a bit of z-fighting towards the edge of the view distance. Right now, with my MUCH further znear:zfar, I've put a second ground plane 0.01 units below the first, and I cannot find any z-fighting, no matter how far I zoom the camera out (I get a little z-fighting when it's only 0.0001 (0.1 mm) away, but meh).

I do have some issues/concerns, however:

  1. I get more near-plane clipping than I did with my normal depth buffer, and it looks ugly. It happens in cases where, logically, it really shouldn't. Here are a couple of screenshots of what I mean:

    Clipping the ground.

    Clipping the ground.

    Clipping a mesh.

    Clipping a mesh.

    Both of these cases are things that I did not experience with my normal depth buffer, and I'd rather not see (especially the former). EDIT: Problem 1 is officially solved by using glEnable(GL_DEPTH_CLAMP).

  2. In order to get this to work, I need to write to gl_FragDepth. I tried not doing so, but the results were unacceptable. Writing to gl_FragDepth means that my graphics card can't do early z optimizations. This will inevitably drive me up the wall and so I want to fix it as soon as I can.

  3. I need to be able to retrieve the value stored in the depth buffer (I already have a framebuffer and texture for this), and then convert it to a linear view-space co-ordinate. I don't really know where to start with this, the way I did it before involved the inverse projection matrix but I can't really do that here. Any advice?

Upvotes: 8

Views: 9627

Answers (3)


Reputation: 162327

Near plane clipping happens independently from depth testing, but by clipping against the cli space volume. In modern OpenGL one can use depth clamping to make things look nice again. See http://web.archive.org/web/20150305164613/http://www.arcsynthesis.org/gltut/Positioning/Tut05%20Depth%20Clamping.html#d0e5707

Upvotes: 3

  1. In the equation you used:

    gl_Position.z = log2(max(ZNEAR, 1.0 + gl_Position.w)) * FCOEF - 1.0;

    There should not be ZNEAR, because that's unrelated to it. The constant there is just to avoid log2 argument to be zero, e.g you can use 1e-6 there.

    But otherwise the depth clamping will solve the issue.

  2. You can avoid using gl_FragDepth only with adaptive tesselation, that keeps the interpolation error in bounds. For example, in Outerra the terrain is adaptively tesselated, and thus it never happens that there would be a visible error on the terrain. But the fragment depth write is needed on the objects when zooming in close, as the long screen-space triangles will have the discrepancy between linearly interpolated value and the correct logarithmic value quite high.

    Note that latest AMD drivers now support the NV_depth_buffer_float extension, so it's now possible to use the Reversed floating-point depth buffer setup instead. It's not yet supported on Intel GPUs though, as far as I know.

  3. The conversion to the view space depth is described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/18187212/2435594

Upvotes: 2

Oxzy Mot
Oxzy Mot

Reputation: 21

Maybe a little late for answering. In any case, to reconstruct Z usign the log2 version:

realDepth = pow(2,(LogDepthValue + 1.0)/Fcoef) - 1.0;

Upvotes: 2

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