Reputation: 79
I want to show statistics of five countries, to each country I have 4 values of each year (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012). The code is fine, but I have one main problem with colors, the color of each field is not fix, for example for one country the color sequence is (blue for 1st filed, red for 2ed filed, ..) but with another country the sequence is different.
another problem with legend, only 2 values out of 5 appear
Here is the code :
schoolenrollment <- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T, sep=",")
country <- c("Comoros","Jordan","United Arab Emirates","Egypt"," Qatar")
for (x in seq(from=1, to=20, by=4))
barplot(as.matrix(schoolenrollment[x:z]), main=country[y],
ylab= "Total Number", beside=TRUE, col=rainbow(4))
legend(-0.5, 3.5, ncol=2,
c("School enrollment, preprimary (% gross)",
" School enrollment, primary (% gross)",
" School enrollment, secondary (% gross)",
"School enrollment, secondary(% gross)",
"School enrollment, tertiary (% gross)"),
cex=0.9, bty="n", fill=rainbow(4));
I tried to use fix colors ,,, but its the same problem:
schoolenrollment<- read.csv(file.choose(), header=T, sep=",")
country<- c("Comoros","Jordan","United Arab Emirates","Egypt"," Qatar")
for (x in seq(from=1, to=20, by=4))
barplot(as.matrix(schoolenrollment[x:z]), main=country[y], ylab= "Total Number",
beside=TRUE, col=c("red","blue","green","yellow"))
legend(-0.5,3.5,ncol=2, c("School enrollment, preprimary (% gross)", " School enrollment, primary (% gross)"," School enrollment, secondary (% gross)","School enrollment, secondary(% gross)", "School enrollment, tertiary (% gross)"), cex=0.9, bty="n", fillc("red","blue","green","yellow"));
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1555
Reputation: 5856
Your data isn't in the best format to achieve what you want.
Please try:
dd <- read.table(file = '\Stackoverflow\\22449135\\schoolenrollment.csv',
header = T, dec = '.', sep = ',')
d <- data.frame('Value'=unname(as.matrix(unlist(dd[1:4, ]),ncol = 1,
nrow=80, byrow = F))[,1],
'Country' =rep(c('Comoros', 'Jordan', 'U A Emirates',
'Egypt', 'Qatar'), each = 16),
'Year' =rep(c(2000, 2004, 2008, 2012), each = 4, times = 5),
'Enrollment' = rep(c("Prelimary", "Primary", "Secondary",
"Tertiary"), times = 5))
ggplot(data = d) +
geom_bar(aes(x=factor(Year), y=Value, fill = Enrollment),
stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
facet_wrap(~Country) +
labs(list(x = 'Year', y = '% gross'))
ggplot(data = d) +
geom_bar(aes(x=factor(Year), y=Value, fill = Enrollment),
stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
facet_grid(Country ~.) +
labs(list(x = 'Year', y = '% gross'))
or with gridExtra::grid.arrange
g1 <- ggplot(data = d[d$Country == 'Comoros', ]) +
geom_bar(aes(x=factor(Year), y=Value, fill = Enrollment),
stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
labs(list(x = 'Year', y = '% gross'))
g2 <- ggplot(data = d[d$Country == 'Jordan', ]) +
geom_bar(aes(x=factor(Year), y=Value, fill = Enrollment),
stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
labs(list(x = 'Year', y = '% gross'))
g3 <- ggplot(data = d[d$Country == 'U A Emirates', ]) +
geom_bar(aes(x=factor(Year), y=Value, fill = Enrollment),
stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
labs(list(x = 'Year', y = '% gross'))
grid.arrange(g1,g2, g3)
or manage legends with grobs.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 60522
The problem is with your sub-setting. This command
returns a matrix with five rows. The final row only contains NA
values, so isn't plotted, but it does change the colours.
So either fix your sub-setting or specify five colours in the plotting command:
barplot(as.matrix(schoolenrollment[x:z]), main=country[y],
ylab= "Total Number", beside=TRUE, col=rainbow(5))
Upvotes: 1