
Reputation: 4630

Get value from IO rather than the computation itself

Being quite new to Haskell, I'm currently trying to improve my skills by writing an interpreter for a simple imperative toy language.

One of the expressions in this language is input, which reads a single integer from standard input. However, when I assign the value of this expression to a variable and then use this variable later, it seems ot me that I actually stored the computation of reading a value rather the read value itself. This means that e.g. the statements

x = input;
y = x + x;

will cause the interpreter to invoke the input procedure three times rather than one.

Internally in the evaluator module, I use a Map to store the values of variables. Because I need to deal with IO, this gets wrapped in an IO monad, as immortalized in the following minimal example:

import qualified Data.Map as Map

type State = Map.Map String Int
type Op = Int -> Int -> Int

input :: String -> IO State -> IO State
input x state = do line <- getLine
                   st <- state
                   return $ Map.insert x (read line) st

get :: String -> IO State -> IO Int
get x state = do st <- state
                 return $ case Map.lookup x st of
                            Just i -> i

eval :: String -> Op -> String -> IO State -> IO Int
eval l op r state = do i <- get l state
                       j <- get r state
                       return $ op i j

main :: IO ()
main = do let state = return Map.empty
          let state' = input "x" state
          val <- eval "x" (+) "x" state'
          putStrLn . show $ val

The second line in the main function simulates the assignment of x, while the third line simulates the evaluation of the binary + operator.

My question is: How do I get around this, such that the code above only inputs once? I suspect that it is the IO-wrapping that causes the problem, but as we're dealing with IO I see no way out of that..?

Upvotes: 3

Views: 904

Answers (4)

J. Abrahamson
J. Abrahamson

Reputation: 74394

Remember that IO State is not an actual state, but instead the specification for an IO machine which eventually produces a State. Let's consider input as an IO-machine transformer

input :: String -> IO State -> IO State
input x state = do line <- getLine
                   st <- state
                   return $ Map.insert x (read line) st

Here, provided a machine for producing a state, we create a bigger machine which takes that passed state and adding a read from an input line. Again, to be clear, input name st is an IO-machine which is a slight modification of the IO-machine st.

Let's now examine get

get :: String -> IO State -> IO Int
get x state = do st <- state
                 return $ case Map.lookup x st of
                            Just i -> i

Here we have another IO-machine transformer. Given a name and an IO-machine which produces a State, get will produce an IO-machine which returns a number. Note again that get name st is fixed to always use the state produced by the (fixed, input) IO-machine st.

Let's combine these pieces in eval

eval :: String -> Op -> String -> IO State -> IO Int
eval l op r state = do i <- get l state
                       j <- get r state
                       return $ op i j

Here we call get l and get r each on the same IO-machine state and thus produce two (completely independent) IO-machines get l state and get r state. We then evaluate their IO effects one after another and return the op-combination of their results.

Let's examine the kinds of IO-machines built in main. In the first line we produce a trivial IO-machine, called state, written return Map.empty. This IO-machine, each time it's run, performs no side effects in order to return a fresh, blank Map.Map.

In the second line, we produce a new kind of IO-machine called state'. This IO-machine is based off of the state IO-machine, but it also requests an input line. Thus, to be clear, each time state' runs, a fresh Map.Map is generated and then an input line is read to read some Int, stored at "x".

It should be clear where this is going, but now when we examine the third line we see that we pass state', the IO-machine, into eval. Previously we stated that eval runs its input IO-machine twice, once for each name, and then combines the results. By this point it should be clear what's happening.

All together, we build a certain kind of machine which draws input and reads it as an integer, assigning it to a name in a blank Map.Map. We then build this IO-machine into a larger one which uses the first IO-machine twice, in two separate invocations, in order to collect data and combine it with an Op.

Finally, we run this eval machine using do notation (the (<-) arrow indicates running the machine). Clearly it should collect two separate lines.

So what do we really want to do? Well, we need to simulate ambient state in the IO monad, not just pass around Map.Maps. This is easy to do by using an IORef.

import Data.IORef

input :: IORef State -> String -> IO ()
input ref name = do
  line <- getLine
  modifyIORef ref (Map.insert name (read line))

eval :: IORef State -> Op -> String -> String -> IO Int
eval ref op l r = do
  stateSnapshot <- readIORef ref
  let Just i = Map.lookup l stateSnapshot
      Just j = Map.lookup l stateSnapshot
  return (op i j)

main = do
  st <- newIORef Map.empty   -- create a blank state, embedded into IO, not a value
  input st "x"               -- request input *once*
  val <- eval st (+) "x" "x" -- compute the op
  putStrLn . show $ val

Upvotes: 9

Richard Huxton
Richard Huxton

Reputation: 22972

If you're actually building an interpreter, you'll presumably have a list of instructions to execute at some point.

This is my rough translation of your code (although I'm only a beginner myself)

import Data.Map (Map, empty, insert, (!))
import Control.Monad (foldM)                                                        

type ValMap = Map String Int                                                        

instrRead :: String -> ValMap -> IO ValMap                                          
instrRead varname mem = do                                                          
    putStr "Enter an int: "                                                         
    line <- getLine                                                                 
    let intval = (read line)::Int                                                   
    return $ insert varname intval mem                                              

instrAdd :: String -> String -> String -> ValMap -> IO ValMap                       
instrAdd varname l r mem = do                                                       
    return $ insert varname result mem                                              
    where result = (mem ! l) + (mem ! r)                                            

apply :: ValMap -> (ValMap -> IO ValMap) -> IO ValMap                               
apply mem instr = instr mem                                                         

main = do                                                                           
    let mem0 = empty                                                                
    let instructions = [ instrRead "x", instrAdd "y" "x" "x" ]                      
    final <- foldM apply mem0 instructions                                          
    print (final ! "y")                                                             
    putStrLn "done"

The foldM applies a function (apply) to a start value (mem0) and a list (instructions) but does so within a monad.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 54078

It's fine to wrap your actions such as getLine in IO, but to me it looks like your problem is that you're trying to pass your state in the IO monad. Instead, I think this is probably time you get introduced to monad transformers and how they'll let you layer the IO and State monads to get the functionality of both in one.

Monad transformers are a pretty complex topic and it'll take a while to get to where you're comfortable with them (I'm still learning new things all the time about them), but they're a very useful tool when you need to layer multiple monads. You'll need the mtl library to follow this example.

First, imports

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad.State

Then types

type Op = Int -> Int -> Int
-- Renamed to not conflict with Control.Monad.State.State
type AppState = Map.Map String Int
type Interpreter a = StateT AppState IO a

Here Interpreter is the Monad in which we'll build our interpreter. We also need a way to run the interpreter

-- A utility function for kicking off an interpreter
runInterpreter :: Interpreter a -> IO a
runInterpreter interp = evalStateT interp Map.empty

I figured defaulting to Map.empty was sufficient.

Now, we can build our interpreter actions in our new monad. First we start with input. Instead of returning our new state, we just modify what is current in our map:

input :: String -> Interpreter ()
input x = do
    -- IO actions have to be passed to liftIO
    line <- liftIO getLine
    -- modify is a member of the MonadState typeclass, which StateT implements
    modify (Map.insert x (read line))

I had to rename get so that it didn't conflict with get from Control.Monad.State, but it does basically the same thing as before, it just takes our map and looks up that variable in it.

-- Had to rename to not conflict with Control.Monad.State.get
-- Also returns Maybe Int because it's safer
getVar :: String -> Interpreter (Maybe Int)
getVar x = do
    -- get is a member of MonadState
    vars <- get
    return $ Map.lookup x vars
-- or
-- get x = fmap (Map.lookup x) get

Next, eval now just looks up each variable in our map, then uses liftM2 to keep the return value as Maybe Int. I prefer the safety of Maybe, but you can rewrite it if you prefer

eval :: String -> Op -> String -> Interpreter (Maybe Int)
eval l op r = do
    i <- getVar l
    j <- getVar r
    -- liftM2 op :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
    return $ liftM2 op i j

Finally, we write our sample program. It stores user input to the variable "x", adds it to itself, and prints out the result.

-- Now we can write our actions in our own monad
program :: Interpreter ()
program = do
    input "x"
    y <- eval "x" (+) "x"
    case y of
        Just y' -> liftIO $ putStrLn $ "y = " ++ show y'
        Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Error!"

-- main is kept very simple
main :: IO ()
main = runInterpreter program

The basic idea is that there is a "base" monad, here IO, and these actions are "lifted" up to the "parent" monad, here StateT AppState. There is a typeclass implementation for the different state operations get, put, and modify in the MonadState typeclass, which StateT implements, and in order to lift IO actions there's a pre-made liftIO function that "lifts" IO actions to the parent monad. Now we don't have to worry about passing around our state explicitly, we can still perform IO, and it has even simplified the code!

I would recommend reading the Real World Haskell chapter on monad transformers to get a better feel for them. There are other useful ones as well, such as ErrorT for handling errors, ReaderT for static configuration, WriterT for aggregating results (usually used for logging), and many others. These can be layered into what is called a transformer stack, and it's not too difficult to make your own either.

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 144206

Instead of passing an IO State, you can pass State and then use higher-level functions to deal with IO. You can go further and make get and eval free from side-effects:

input :: String -> State -> IO State
input x state = do
    line <- getLine
    return $ Map.insert x (read line) state

get :: String -> State -> Int
get x state = case Map.lookup x state of
                Just i -> i

eval :: String -> Op -> String -> State -> Int
eval l op r state = let i = get l state
                        j = get r state
                    in  op i j

main :: IO ()
main = do
    let state = Map.empty
    state' <- input "x" state
    let val = eval "x" (+) "x" state'
    putStrLn . show $ val

Upvotes: 3

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