Reputation: 1367
I'm trying to select a random element from a list but that'll make the function impure thus fail to compile. What should I do to make the recursive function accept an IO action?
build :: Jabberwocky Integer String Syllables -> String
build (Jabberwocky 0 body syl) = body
build (Jabberwocky len body syl)
| syl == Middle = build (Jabberwocky (len - 1) (body ++ (rand middle) ) Consonant)
| syl == Consonant = build (Jabberwocky (len - 1) (body ++ (rand consonant)) Vowel)
| syl == Vowel = build (Jabberwocky (len - 1) (body ++ (rand vowel) ) Consonant)
| syl == Ending = build (Jabberwocky (len - 1) (body ++ (rand ending) ) Vowel)
rand = getStdRandom (randomR (1,6))
Upvotes: 3
Views: 505
Reputation: 9566
You must carry generator into pure process (chaining new random generator state)
randomR_nTimes_rec :: (RandomGen g, Random a) => Int -> (a, a) -> g -> ([a], g)
randomR_nTimes_rec 0 _ g = ([], g)
randomR_nTimes_rec n i g = (x:xs, g'') where ( x, g' ) = randomR i g
(xs, g'') = randomR_nTimes_rec (n - 1) i g'
*Main> getStdGen >>= return . randomR_nTimes_rec 5 (0,5)
([2,5,3,1,3],1206240749 652912057)
if you should carry random state into a complex process may be useful Control.Monad.Random
with example
Upvotes: 2