Reputation: 117
I want to fetch data from a file, which can have variable size in its data content. However, the structure is quite simple. 3 columns and undefined number of rows. I figured that using the allocatable multi-dimensional array and an explicit DO loop get me solve my problem. Here is my code so far
program arraycall
implicit none
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: array
integer :: max_rows, max_cols, row, col
open(10, file='boundary.txt', access='sequential', status='old', FORM='FORMATTED')
DO row = 1, max_rows
DO col = 1, max_cols
READ (10,*) array (row, col)
print *, array (row,col)
end program arraycall
Now the problem I am facing is that I don't know how should I define these max_rows and max_cols which resonates with the fact that it's of unknown size.
Sample file would may look like
11 12 13
21 22 23
31 32 33
41 42 43
So I figured the way to estimate record length of the file on the fly (dynamically). Updating for the future reference to others
! Estimate the number of records in the inputfile
loop1: do
read(lin,*,iostat=eastat) inputline
if (eastat < 0) then
write(*,*) trim(inputfile),": number of records = ", numvalues
exit loop1
else if (eastat > 0 ) then
stop "IO-Error!"
end if
end do loop1
! Read the records from the inputfile
allocate (lon(numvalues),lat(numvalues),value(numvalues))
do i=1,numvalues
read(lin,*) lon(i),lat(i),value(i)
end do
Upvotes: 5
Views: 3530
Reputation: 4017
I think you have 3 options, two of which have already been described:
Read the file twice. First read the number of rows, then allocate and read the values. As you said, inefficient if the I/O time is relevant.
As @AlexanderVogt suggested, estimate the maxmimum number of rows. You don't need to carry around this large matrix during all your code. You can define a second array and do something like (based on @AlexanderVogt code):
array2 = array(:, :tot_rows)
Unfortunately, I'm afraid you need 2 different arrays, as you cannot resize in-place. This also means that, for a short while, you'll be using a lot of memory if array
and arrray2
are large.
Use linked-lists. That is the most elegant solution and allows you to read the file just once without the need to pre-allocate an array. But it's the hardest to code. Here is a simple example that works for one of the arrays. You need three linked lists or a single linked list with:
integer, dimension(3) :: data
if you want it to work with 3 columns.
Linked List code:
program LinkedList
implicit none
integer :: i, eastat, value, numvalues
type node
integer :: data
type( node ), pointer :: next
end type node
integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: lon
type( node ), pointer :: head, current, previous
nullify( head ) ! Initialize list to point to no target.
open(10,file='data.dat',status='old',action='read', position='rewind')
numvalues = 0
read(10,*,iostat=eastat) value
if (eastat < 0) then
write(*,*) "number of records = ", numvalues
else if (eastat > 0 ) then
stop "IO-Error!"
end if
allocate( current )
current%data = value
current%next => head
head => current
end do
! The list is read. You can now convert it into an array, if needed for
! numerical efficiency
current => head
! You could transverse the list this way if you hadn't kept numvalues
!do while ( associated( current ) )
do i= numvalues, 1, -1
lon(i) = current%data
previous => current
current => current%next
! head => current
end do
! Output the list, deallocating them after use.
print *,"lon = ", lon
end program LinkedList
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 18098
You could define a maximally allowed number of rows and make use of iostat
to check for the end of the file (or an error):
program arraycall
implicit none
integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: array
integer :: row
integer :: stat ! Check return values
! Define max. values
integer,parameter :: max_rows=1000
integer,parameter :: max_cols=3 ! As stated in the question
! Total number of rows in the file
integer :: tot_rows
allocate( array(max_cols,max_rows), stat=stat)
! Always a good idea to check the return value
if ( stat /= 0 ) stop 'Cannot allocate memory!'
open(10, file='boundary.txt', access='sequential', &
status='old', FORM='FORMATTED')
DO row = 1, max_rows
! You can directly read in arrays!
READ (10,*,iostat=stat) array(:,row)
if ( stat > 0 ) then
stop 'An error occured while reading the file'
elseif ( stat < 0 ) then
tot_rows = row-1
print *, 'EOF reached. Found a total of ', tot_rows, 'rows.'
! Do stuff, e.g. re-allocate the array
print *,array(:,:tot_rows)
end program arraycall
iostat > 0
is an error, iostat < 0
is end-of-file (or end-of-record for some compilers).
Upvotes: 1