Reputation: 107
I'm writing some fortran code where I'm having difficulty visualizing how the data in a hierarchy of arrays is stored, which is causing me troubles with how to manipulate a subset of this data. I've read-in some data stored in an unformatted binary PLOT3D file. The data format looks like the following:
program my_program
use iso_fortran_env
implicit none
character(*), parameter :: soln_file = 'my_file_name.q'
integer :: nblks, io_stat, imax, jmax, kmax, nv, m
integer, dimension (:), allocatable :: ni, nj, nk, nvars
real(real64), dimension (:,:,:,:), allocatable :: qq
real(real64), dimension (:,:,:,:,:), allocatable :: q
open(unit=10, form='unformatted', file=soln_file, status='old', iostat=io_stat)
if ( io_stat /= 0 ) then
write(*,*) '*** Error reading solution file ', soln_file, ' ***'
end if
read(10) nblks
allocate( ni(nblks), nj(nblks), nk(nblks) )
read(10) ( ni(m), nj(m), nk(m), nvars(m), m = 1, nblks )
imax = maxval(ni)
jmax = maxval(nj)
kmax = maxval(nk)
nv = maxval(nvars)
allocate( q(imax,jmax,kmax,nv,nblks) )
do m = 1, nblks
allocate( qq(ni(m),nj(m),nk(m),nvars(m)) )
read(10) qq(ni(m),nj(m),nk(m),nvars(m))
q(1:ni(m),1:nj(m),1:nk(m),1:nvars(m),m) = qq
deallocate( qq )
end do
deallocate( ni, nj, nk, nvars, q )
end program my_program
In my case, I'm interested in extracting a subset, or just modifying the values in place, of a single solution variable at all of the points in every block. It seems like I should end up with the solution values for that variable at each i, j, and k point for every block in a 3 x nblocks array.
However, I get a seg fault at run time which indicates to me that I'm not sizing the array correctly.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 110
Reputation: 929
In your block of code
do m = 1, nblks
allocate( qq(ni(m),nj(m),nk(m),nvars(m)) )
read(10) qq(ni(m),nj(m),nk(m),nvars(m))
q(1:ni(m),1:nj(m),1:nk(m),1:nvars(m),m) = qq
deallocate( qq )
end do
You're only reading 4 values pour qq
, instead of ni(m) x nj(m) x nk(m) x nvars(m)
Then you're trying to copy theses values into q
wich is not conformant.
It seems to me that the correct loop should be
do m = 1, nblks
allocate( qq(ni(m),nj(m),nk(m),nvars(m)) )
do iv = 1 ,nvars(m)
do ik = 1 ,nk(m)
do ij = 1 ,nj(m)
do ii = 1 ,ni(m)
read(10) qq(ii,ij,ik,iv)
end do
end do
end do
end do
q(1:ni(m),1:nj(m),1:nk(m),1:nvars(m),m) = qq
deallocate( qq )
end do
I'm not sure this will solve your problem, but there's something fishy here.
Upvotes: 1