Reputation: 405
A very basic question about Coq (with Init libraries): the term 10
is of type nat
and the type nat
is defined inductively:
Inductive nat : Set :=
| O : nat
| S : nat -> nat.
Q1. But is "10" a "shortcut" of S(S(...S(0)...))
Q2. Is there a shortest (formal) proof of the following lemma? (without using omega)
Lemma gg : 3 <= 10.
apply le_S.
apply le_S.
apply le_S.
apply le_S.
apply le_S.
apply le_S.
apply le_S.
apply le_n.
In other words does a proof of n <= m
(with only Peano axioms), require exponential length?
Upvotes: 2
Views: 186
Below is an example for Ptival's answer.
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
Check @eq_refl.
Check leb_complete.
Goal 3 <= 10. Proof. apply leb_complete. apply eq_refl. Qed.
Goal 30 <= 100. Proof. apply leb_complete. apply eq_refl. Qed.
Goal 300 <= 1000. Proof. apply leb_complete. apply eq_refl. Qed.
Come to think of it, isn't omega
also a form of proof by reflection? Or is it programmed in OCaml?
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 7088
A1. Right.
A2. As far as I can tell from definition of le
), you have to use le_S
and le_n
to construct a proof of it.
Inductive le (n : nat) : nat -> Prop :=
le_n : n <= n | le_S : forall m : nat, n <= m -> n <= S m
... unless you define a lemma to make your work easier.
You can do something like this:
Lemma gg : 3 <= 10.
do 7 (apply le_S).
apply le_n.
... or
Lemma gg' : 3 <= 10.
Proof. repeat constructor. Qed.
... or go the other way around:
Lemma le_s : forall n m, n <= m -> S n <= S m.
intros. induction H. constructor.
constructor. apply IHle.
Lemma gg'' : 3 <= 10.
pose proof (le_n 0).
do 3 (apply le_s in H).
do 7 (apply le_S in H).
apply H.
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 9447
Q1: Yes.
Q2: You can probably use the technique of proof by reflection to eliminate such trivial large proofs. This chapter explains how and why you would want to do that:
Upvotes: 6