Reputation: 14385
I have a Windows Store app written in C# that works with photos. I want to show the last photo the user selected in the app in the medium size live tile (150 x 150). I am using the code below to do it. When I run the app I don't get any errors, but I don't see the selected photo in the live tile either. I know that I am doing at least some things right. I say this because if the user hasn't selected a photo yet, then I show a test image and I do see that image in the tile. But the test image comes from the app package using the ms-appx protocol, not from the app storage area.
I found a few SO posts on the subject but they are all for Windows Phone. I looked at the KnownFolders list for Windows Store app files, but nothing seemed to map to the SharedContent folder required for files meant for live tile use in Windows Phone. What is wrong with my code?
Note, the vvm.ActiveVideomark.GetThumbnail() call simply retrieves a bitmap as a WriteableBitmap object. As you can see in the code, I am resizing the image to the size required by the Medium live tile (150 x 150). ToJpegFileAsync() is an extension method that encodes a WriteableBitmap object to jpeg bytes and then writes those bytes to a file using the given file name. Both of these calls are well-tested and are not the source of the problem as far as I know.
var tileXml = TileUpdateManager.GetTemplateContent(TileTemplateType.TileSquare150x150Image);
var tileImage = tileXml.GetElementsByTagName("image")[0] as XmlElement;
// Got a current photo?
if (vvm.ActiveVideomark == null)
// No, just show the regular logo image.
tileImage.SetAttribute("src", "ms-appx:///Assets/Logo.scale-100.png");
// Resize it to the correct size.
WriteableBitmap wbm = await vvm.ActiveVideomark.GetThumbnail();
WriteableBitmap wbm2 = wbm.Resize(150, 150, WriteableBitmapExtensions.Interpolation.Bilinear);
// Write it to a file so we can pass it to the Live Tile.
string jpegFilename = "LiveTile1.jpg";
StorageFile jpegFile = await wbm2.ToJpegFileAsync(jpegFilename);
// Yes, show the selected image.
tileImage.SetAttribute("src", jpegFile.Path);
Upvotes: 1
Views: 484
Reputation: 7024
The src attribute must contain a URI with ms-appx:///, ms-appdata:///local, or http[s]:// schemes. The StorageFile.Path property, as you're using with jpegFile.Path, is a local filesystem pathmame like c:\users\Robert\AppData... which won't be valid. So create your tile images in local app data, and then use ms-appdata:///local/ to refer to them in tile payloads.
Upvotes: 3