Reputation: 1902
I used to have a script (msgbox.vbs) that was this:
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
messageTitle = objArgs(0)
messageText = objArgs(1)
MsgBox messageText, 1, messageTitle
I'm new to coding, and I've never coded in VBScript before, but I needed to change this script so that I can read from my JavaScript script that calls this script whether a user clicked OK or Cancel in the dialogue box that appeared when the MsgBox dialog box gets brought up. So I tried this:
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
messageTitle = objArgs(0)
messageText = objArgs(1)
retValue = MsgBox (messageText, 1, messageTitle)
if retValue == 1 Then
WScript.Quit 11
ElseIf retValue == 2 Then
WScript.Quit 22
End If
I figured I'd try and get the return value from MsgBox from what I learned here and then write an if then else statement to get it to quit with an error code that I can read from my callback function in JS that reads the quit code.
From the first script, I was getting an error code of 0, and the dialog box was coming up beautifully. Now, with my new code, I am getting an error code of 1 and the dialog box no longer appears :(
I miss the dialog box, I need it. I also need to know which button the user clicks so I can get on with the rest of my program.
Thanks in advance for any help, I really appreciate it!
Here's the Javascript that calls the .vbs if you're curious (just an edited version of the NPM found here):
By Tomas Pollak <[email protected]>.
MIT License.
var join = require('path').join,
spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var Dialog = module.exports = {
info: function(str, title, callback){'info', str, title, callback);
warn: function(str, title, callback){'warning', str, title, callback);
show: function(type, str, title, callback){
if (!str || str.trim() == '')
throw('Empty or no string passed!');
if (typeof title == 'function') {
callback = title;
title = null;
var cmd = [],
title = title ? title : 'Important';
var str = (str+'').replace(/([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}<>|`-])/g, "\$1");
cmd.push(join(__dirname, 'msgbox.vbs'));
cmd.push(title) && cmd.push(str);, callback);
run: function(cmd, cb){
var bin = cmd[0],
args = cmd.splice(1),
stdout = '', stderr = '';
var child = spawn(bin, args);
child.stdout.on('data', function(data){
stdout += data.toString();
child.stderr.on('data', function(data){
stderr += data.toString();
child.on('exit', function(code){
cb && cb(code, stdout, stderr);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 271
Reputation: 38765
The eq operator in VBScript is =, not ==, so change
if retValue == 1 Then
if retValue = 1 Then
Update wrt comment:
You should use the MsgBox Constants; passing
vbOKCancel - 1 - Display OK and Cancel buttons
instead of a magic number like 1 would avoid misleading other people.
Upvotes: 4