Reputation: 2444
I'm not very familiar with building more complex C++ programs from makefiles (I usually use IDE or do just simple C without object oriented programing ). I cannot figure out how to do makefile when classes are interconected over several files.
Simple example: how to split this single file program into separate files and build it using Make:
#include <math.h>
// I want to move this into Vec3d.h
class Vec3d{
double x,y,z;
inline void set( const double fx, const double fy, const double fz ) { x=fx; y=fy; z=fz; }
inline Vec3d& operator+=( const double& f ) { x+=f; y+=f; z+=f; return *this; }
inline Vec3d operator* ( const double& f ) const { Vec3d vo; vo.x=x*f; vo.y=y*f; vo.z=z*f; return vo; }
// ... other operators omited for shorness
// I want to move this into Body.h
class Body{
double mass;
Vec3d pos,velocity,force; // use Vect3d
void getForce(){};
void move( double dt ){ // use operators defined in Vec3d
v += force * -dt;
pos += v * dt;
// I want to move this into Planet.h
class Planet : public Body{
void getForce( ){ // overrides method from "Body"
double r = sqrt( ) ;
force = pos * ( -dt/(ir*ir*ir) );
// This should be in main.cpp
Vec3d myVector;
Body myBody;
Planet myPlanet;
// something with myVector, myBody and myPlanet
One option is to #include everything into main.cpp. This is, however, bad because it would recompile everything all the time.
I would prefer to recompile just the file I changed and the rest take from .o files. But to compile Body.h independently I have to #include Vec3d.h into it. So Vec3d.h would be included twice in main.cpp, which makes a conflict.
I know that in C header files are used for this purpose, but I don't see how to use this in C++ when I want to define methods and operators inside a class body if possible (it makes the program more readable, like in Java).
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Views: 1956
Reputation: 2444
OK, so I figured it out sorry for noob question. Only problem is that for Vec3d the inline methos has to be declared directly in .h file. The whole solution is :
all: program
program: main.o Planet.o Body.o
g++ main.o Planet.o Body.o -o program
main: main.cpp
g++ -c main.cpp
Body.o: Body.cpp
g++ -c Body.cpp
Planet.o: Planet.cpp
g++ -c Planet.cpp
rm -rf *o hello
#include "Vec3d.h"
#include "Body.h"
#include "Planet.h"
Vec3d myVector;
Body myBody;
Planet myPlanet;
int main(){
class Planet : public Body{
void getForce( );
//void move( );
#include <math.h>
#include "Vec3d.h"
#include "Body.h"
#include "Planet.h"
void Planet::getForce() {
double r = sqrt( pos.mag2() );
force = pos * ( mass/(r*r*r) );
class Body{
// parameters
double mass;
// state variables
Vec3d pos,vel;
// temporary variables
Vec3d force;
// methods
void getForce();
void move( double dt );
#include "Vec3d.h"
#include "Body.h"
void Body::getForce(){ force.set(0); };
void Body::move( double dt ){
vel += force * dt;
pos += vel * dt;
// NOTE: "inline" methods must be implemented directly here
class Vec3d{
double x,y,z;
inline void set( const double f ) { x=f; y=f; z=f; };
inline void set( const Vec3d& v ) { x=v.x; y=v.y; z=v.z; };
inline void set( const double fx, const double fy, const double fz ) { x=fx; y=fy; z=fz; };
inline Vec3d& operator =( const double f ) { x=f; y=f; z=f; return *this; };
inline Vec3d& operator+=( const double f ) { x+=f; y+=f; z+=f; return *this; };
inline Vec3d& operator*=( const double f ) { x*=f; y*=f; z*=f; return *this; };
inline Vec3d& operator+=( const Vec3d& v ) { x+=v.x; y+=v.y; z+=v.z; return *this; };
inline Vec3d& operator-=( const Vec3d& v ) { x-=v.x; y-=v.y; z-=v.z; return *this; };
inline Vec3d& operator*=( const Vec3d& v ) { x*=v.x; y*=v.y; z*=v.z; return *this; };
inline Vec3d& operator/=( const Vec3d& v ) { x/=v.x; y/=v.y; z/=v.z; return *this; };
inline Vec3d operator+ ( const double f ) const { Vec3d vo; vo.x=x+f; vo.y=y+f; vo.z=z+f; return vo; };
inline Vec3d operator* ( double f ) const { Vec3d vo; vo.x=x*f; vo.y=y*f; vo.z=z*f; return vo; };
inline Vec3d operator+ ( const Vec3d& vi ) const { Vec3d vo; vo.x=x+vi.x; vo.y=y+vi.y; vo.z=z+vi.z; return vo; };
inline Vec3d operator- ( const Vec3d& vi ) const { Vec3d vo; vo.x=x-vi.x; vo.y=y-vi.y; vo.z=z-vi.z; return vo; };
inline Vec3d operator* ( const Vec3d& vi ) const { Vec3d vo; vo.x=x*vi.x; vo.y=y*vi.y; vo.z=z*vi.z; return vo; };
inline Vec3d operator/ ( const Vec3d& vi ) const { Vec3d vo; vo.x=x/vi.x; vo.y=y/vi.y; vo.z=z/vi.z; return vo; };
inline void fma( const double f, const Vec3d& b ){ x+=f*b.x; y+=f*b.y; z+=f*b.z; };
inline void fma( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ x+=a.x*b.x; y+=a.y*b.y; z+=a.z*b.z; };
inline void fms( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ x-=a.x*b.x; y-=a.y*b.y; z-=a.z*b.z; };
inline void fda( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ x+=a.x/b.x; y+=a.y/b.y; z+=a.z/b.z; };
inline void fds( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ x-=a.x/b.x; y-=a.y/b.y; z-=a.z/b.z; };
inline Vec3d fma_func( const double f, const Vec3d& b ){ Vec3d vo; vo.x=x+f*b.x; vo.y=y+f*b.y; vo.x=z+f*b.z; return vo; };
inline Vec3d fma_func( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ Vec3d vo; vo.x=x+a.x*b.x; vo.y=y+a.y*b.y; vo.z=z+a.z*b.z; return vo; };
inline Vec3d fms_func( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ Vec3d vo; vo.x=x-a.x*b.x; vo.y=y-a.y*b.y; vo.z=z-a.z*b.z; return vo; };
inline Vec3d fda_func( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ Vec3d vo; vo.x=x+a.x/b.x; vo.y=y+a.y/b.y; vo.z=z+a.z/b.z; return vo; };
inline Vec3d fds_func( const Vec3d& a, const Vec3d& b ){ Vec3d vo; vo.x=x-a.x/b.x; vo.y=y-a.y/b.y; vo.z=z-a.z/b.z; return vo; };
inline double dot ( const Vec3d& a ){ return x*a.x + y*a.y + z*a.z; };
inline double mag2( ){ return x*x+y*y+z*z; };
inline void cross ( const Vec3d& a ){ double _x=y*a.z-z*a.y; double _y=z*a.x-x*a.z; z=x*a.y-y*a.x; x=_x; y=_y; };
inline Vec3d cross_func( const Vec3d& a ){ Vec3d vo; vo.x=y*a.z-z*a.y; vo.y=z*a.x-x*a.z; vo.z=x*a.y-y*a.x; return vo; };
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