Reputation: 79468
I am new to assembly, and want to first try to get an intuitive feel for how printing a string to the terminal would work, without going through the operating system abstraction (Linux or OSX).
(Editor's note: the accepted answer only covers Linux. x86-64 MacOS uses a similar system-calling convention but different call numbers.)
tl;dr How do you write to stdout (print to the terminal) in x86-64 assembly with NASM on OSX, at the lowest level possible (i.e. without syscall)? How is BareMetal OS doing this?
Most examples show something like this:
global start
section .text
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, message
mov rdx, 13
mov eax, 60
xor rdi, rdi
db "Hello world", 10
In there, they are using syscall
to print the string, which is relying on the operating system. I am not looking for that, but for how to write a string to stdout directly, at the lowest level possible.
There is this exokernel project, BareMetal OS that I think is doing this. Though since I am new to assembly, I don't know enough yet to figure out how they accomplish this. From what it seems though, the two important files are:
It seems the relevant code to print is this (extracted from those two files):
; Display text in terminal.
; IN: RSI = message location (zero-terminated string)
; OUT: All registers preserved
push rcx
call os_string_length
call os_output_chars
pop rcx
; Displays text.
; IN: RSI = message location (an ASCII string, not zero-terminated)
; RCX = number of chars to print
; OUT: All registers preserved
push rdi
push rsi
push rcx
push rax
cld ; Clear the direction flag.. we want to increment through the string
mov ah, 0x07 ; Store the attribute into AH so STOSW can be used later on
; Return length of a string.
; IN: RSI = string location
; OUT: RCX = length (not including the NULL terminator)
; All other registers preserved
push rdi
push rax
xor ecx, ecx
xor eax, eax
mov rdi, rsi
not rcx
repne scasb ; compare byte at RDI to value in AL
not rcx
dec rcx
pop rax
pop rdi
But that doesn't look complete to me (though I wouldn't know yet since I'm new).
So my question is, along the lines of that BareMetal OS snippet, how do you write to stdout (print to the terminal) in x86-64 assembly with NASM on OSX?
Upvotes: 7
Views: 43384
Reputation: 84632
This is a good exercise. You will use syscall
(you cannot access stdout
otherwise), but you can do a "bare-metal" write without any external library providing the output routine (like calling printf
). As an example of the basic "bare-metal" write to stdout
in x86_64, I put together a example without any internal or system function calls:
section .data
string1 db 0xa, " Hello StackOverflow!!!", 0xa, 0xa, 0
section .text
global _start
; calculate the length of string
mov rdi, string1 ; string1 to destination index
xor rcx, rcx ; zero rcx
not rcx ; set rcx = -1
xor al,al ; zero the al register (initialize to NUL)
cld ; clear the direction flag
repnz scasb ; get the string length (dec rcx through NUL)
not rcx ; rev all bits of negative results in absolute value
dec rcx ; -1 to skip the null-terminator, rcx contains length
mov rdx, rcx ; put length in rdx
; write string to stdout
mov rsi, string1 ; string1 to source index
mov rax, 1 ; set write to command
mov rdi,rax ; set destination index to rax (stdout)
syscall ; call kernel
; exit
xor rdi,rdi ; zero rdi (rdi hold return value)
mov rax, 0x3c ; set syscall number to 60 (0x3c hex)
syscall ; call kernel
; Compile/Link
; nasm -f elf64 -o hello-stack_64.o hello-stack_64.asm
; ld -o hello-stack_64 hello-stack_64.o
$ ./hello-stack_64
Hello StackOverflow!!!
For general use, I split the process into two parts (1) getting the length and (2) writing to stdout
. Below the strprn
function will write any string to stdout
. It calls strsz
to get the length while preserving the destination index on the stack. This reduces the task of writing a string to stdout
and prevents a lot of repitition in your code.
; szstr computes the lenght of a string.
; rdi - string address
; rdx - contains string length (returned)
section .text
xor rcx, rcx ; zero rcx
not rcx ; set rcx = -1 (uses bitwise id: ~x = -x-1)
xor al,al ; zero the al register (initialize to NUL)
cld ; clear the direction flag
repnz scasb ; get the string length (dec rcx through NUL)
not rcx ; rev all bits of negative -> absolute value
dec rcx ; -1 to skip the null-term, rcx contains length
mov rdx, rcx ; size returned in rdx, ready to call write
; strprn writes a string to the file descriptor.
; rdi - string address
; rdx - contains string length
section .text
push rdi ; push string address onto stack
call strsz ; call strsz to get length
pop rsi ; pop string to rsi (source index)
mov rax, 0x1 ; put write/stdout number in rax (both 1)
mov rdi, rax ; set destination index to rax (stdout)
syscall ; call kernel
To further automate general output to stdout
NASM macros provide a convenient solution. Example strn
(short for string_n
). It takes two arguments, the addresses of the string, and the number of characters to write:
%macro strn 2
mov rax, 1
mov rdi, 1
mov rsi, %1
mov rdx, %2
Useful for indents, newlines or writing complete strings. You could generalize further by passing 3 arguments including the destination for rdi
Upvotes: 12