Reputation: 73
Let us define any function handle foo
foo = @(x) x*2
I am trying to write a general function defFun
that generates the n-th functional power of the function foo
, i.e. n iterative calls of foo
, in a way it can be stored in another handle function boo
, like this:
boo = defFun(foo,n)
For example,
foo = @(x) x^2;
boo = defFun(foo,3);
will give 6561 [== foo(foo(foo(3)))]
and boo(2)
will give 256 [== foo(foo(foo(2)))]
I tried this code to write defFun
but these handles are tricky to deal with. Any ideas?
function boo = defFun(foo,n)
h = foo;
for i=2:n
h = h(h);
boo = h
Upvotes: 7
Views: 515
Reputation: 6084
My code pretty much resembles your original one. I took the liberty to rename a few of the variables.
For single input and single output argument you could use the direct approach resembling your code:
function ftoN = fIterate(f, N)
ftoN = f;
for i = 2:N
ftoN = @(x) f(ftoN(x));
This one will be a lot faster and it will also work for multiple (but same number of) inputs and outputs.
function ftoN = fIterate(f, N)
ftoN = @(varargin) fIterateLocal(f, N, varargin{:});
function varargout = fIterateLocal(f, N, varargin)
varargout = varargin;
for i = 1:N
[varargout{1:nargin-2}] = f(varargout{:});
Both approaches should work with this:
square = @(x) x^2;
>> ans = 4
squaresquaresquare = fIterate(square, 3)
>> ans = 6561
The direct approach will be rather slow and also limited by the Maximum recursion limit
ans = 1.2160
The indirect approach will give you a lot more speed and flexibility:
ans = 0.0072
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 11812
The 3 solutions here rely on building a string then using str2func
to get a function handle out of it. Different implementations for the same functionality but different readability of the result.
Note that as highlighted in the comment (thanks knedlsepp), the order of recursion n
cannot exceed 32
One way is to parse the input function string definition and recreate it recursively in a string before converting that to a function handle:
function boo = defFun(foo,n)
%% // retrieve the string of the initial function
A = functions(foo) ;
fstrfull = A.function ;
%% // find "input variables" in the header
[i1 i2] = regexp(fstrfull, '\(([^\)]+)\)' , 'once' ) ; %// probably can be improved, regexp are not my strong suit
strVar = fstrfull(i1+1:i2-1) ; %// => strVar='x' %// to get rid of the parenthesis returned by the regex
%% // isolate only the function expression (without the header)
ilast = strfind( fstrfull , ')' )+1 ; %// ilast= 5 find the last position of the header
fstr = fstrfull(ilast(1):end) ; %// fstr='x.^2' separate only function expression
%% // replace "variables" by the expression the desired number of time
strFinalFunction = fstr ;
for i=2:n
strFinalFunction = strrep(strFinalFunction, strVar, ['(' fstr ')'] ) ;
boo = str2func( ['@(' strVar ')' strFinalFunction ] ) ;
This will give you:
>> boo = defFun(foo,3)
boo =
@(x)((x.^2).^2).^2 // <= your function shows the full expression
>> boo(3)
ans =
It will work for much more complex cases as long as the input function only take one variable as input.
Alternatively, there is a simpler method which should be even more generic. It requires no parsing and thus and will work in the potential case the parsing in the solution above fails. The downside is the function definition become very opaque.
function boo = defFun2(foo,n)
cfoo = {foo} ; %// place the function handle in a cell
%// create a string calling the function on itself N number of times
strFun = ['@(x) ' repmat('cfoo{1}(',1,n) 'x' repmat(')',1,n) ] ;
%// Generate a function handle for the corresponding function
boo = str2func( strFun ) ;
But now your function definition look like this:
>> boo = defFun2(foo,3)
boo =
@(x)cfoo{1}(cfoo{1}(cfoo{1}(x))) // <= your function does not show what it does (only the number of time it calls itself)
Much less readable, but it still gives the right results.
Lastly, if readability is critical, you can also include the name of the original function in the function definition but you'll have to resort to the controversial eval
function boo = defFun3(fh,n)
fname = inputname(1) ; %// get the name of the function which was called
eval( [ fname '={fh};' ] ) ; %// place the function handle in a cell
strFun = ['@(x) ' repmat([fname '{1}('],1,n) 'x' repmat(')',1,n) ] ; %// create a string calling the function on itself N number of times
boo = str2func( strFun ) ; %// Generate a function handle for the corresponding function
This now gives you:
boo = defFun3(foo,3)
boo =
@(x)foo{1}(foo{1}(foo{1}(x))) // <= now you know that boo is the function 'foo' called on itself 3 times.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 14336
If your function handle foo
only contains mathematical formulas (as is the case in your example), you can use the MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox, to calculate the formula for boo
function boo = defFun(foo,n)
syms x; % Create a symbolic variable x
f = sym(foo); % Convert the function handle to a symbolic expression
g = symfun(f,x); % Create a symbolic function to work with
v = g;
for k=2:n % repeat n times
v = g(v);
boo = matlabFunction(v); % convert v to a function handle
In your example for n=3
, this creates the function handle
foo = @(x) x.^2;
boo = defFun(foo,3)
boo =
ans =
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2256
You just just got your variables mixed up a bit. Your issue is that you feed in the function handle to the anonymous function rather than the value.
This will work, building on your example.
foo = @(x) x^2;
function boo = defFun(fcn_handle,n)
v = fcn_handle(n); % The output here is the value of the anonymous function
for i=2:n
v = fcn_handle(v);
boo = v;
ans = 6561
Upvotes: 0