Reputation: 18055
I have a recursive algebraic data type to implement Lisp-like nested lists:
data T a = N a | L [T a] deriving (Show, Eq)
L [N 1, L [N 2, L [N 3, L [N 4], N 5], N 6], N 7]
is equivalent to Lisp's (1 (2 (3 (4) 5) 6) 7)
. Now I want to partially flatten this nested list, i.e. down to a certain level but no more:
flattenN 0 t -- L [N 1,L [N 2,L [N 3,L [N 4],N 5],N 6],N 7]
flattenN 1 t -- L [N 1,N 2,L [N 3,L [N 4],N 5],N 6,N 7]
flattenN 2 t -- L [N 1,N 2,N 3,L [N 4],N 5,N 6,N 7]
flattenN 3 t -- L [N 1,N 2,N 3,N 4,N 5,N 6,N 7]
I implemented this function as a tree recursion, where elements are unpacked from a type constructor, concatenated, then packed back in L
flattenN :: Int -> T a -> T a
flattenN 0 x = x
flattenN n (N x) = N x
flattenN n (L []) = L []
flattenN n (L (x:xs)) = flattenN (n-1) x +++ flattenN n (L xs)
where N x +++ N y = L [N x, N y]
N x +++ L ys = L (N x:ys)
L xs +++ N y = L (xs++[N y])
L xs +++ L ys = L (xs++ys)
To me this looks a little bit ugly and it should be simpler than that. Do you have any ideas how to implement the partial flattening of a nested list function in a different way? I would be glad to receive any answer, from minimalistic and elegant to clever and convoluted, with any feature that Haskell provides.
Upvotes: 4
Views: 494
Reputation: 152837
I would write a function that flattens once, then iterate it. Like this:
values (N x) = [N x]
values (L ts) = ts
flattenOnce (L ts) = L (concatMap values ts)
flattenOnce t = t
flattenN n t = iterate flattenOnce t !! n
If you're feeling cryptic, you might also implement flattenOnce
flattenOnce t = L (concatMap values (values t))
Upvotes: 7