Reputation: 31
I want to use the SysWip AXI4Lite Slave verification IP (in SystemVerilog) in my top-level test-bench with my traditional Verilog AXI4Lite master.
Being completely new to SystemVerilog, I have problems to port-map in the toplevel testbench.
What I have: From the SysWip I have downloaded which is an interface and the which is a package ( From my legacy code I have a dut_top.v and (I have renamed it to .sv in order to support some SV constructs - import, creating the slave class object, etc). The Verilog AXI4Lite master module is instiantiated in the dut_top.v
Target: I want to connect the ports of the legacy Verilog AXI4Lite Master to that of the SysWip VIP slave. I am getting a Syntax error message where the ports are being mapped in the
So can anyone point me the proper syntax for doing the portmap for the above case?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 3443
Reputation: 42788
Your question is confusing because you are mixing module
and interface
which are similar yet different constructs.
SystemVerilog interface instance
s can be connected to SystemVerilog module
s through interface ports. If you have a legacy Verilog module without interface ports, you can still connect an SV interface instacne to a Verilog module by using a hierarchical reference. For example
interface intf;
wire w;
module verilog_dut(input wire w);
initial $display(w);
module SV_dut(intf p);
initial $display(p.w);
module top;
intf i1();
verilog_dut i2(.w(i1.w));
SV_dut i3(.p(i1));
Upvotes: 1