Reputation: 449
I'm currently looping threw the subfolders of a known directly. I would like to grab the folder that contains the file I'm looking for, but only that folder's name, not the whole path, and preferably in a different variable to be use later on in the batch file ...
CD c:\%username%\testFolder\Program\OLD\
For /R %%G in (test.t?t) do Echo %%G
Now, this shows me the file I'm looking for : C:\User\testFolder\Program\OLD\myfile\exemple1\test.txt
what I would like is to replace the Echo %%G to set in a variable the "unknown" folders and subfolder, something along the line of
For /R %%G in (test.t?t) do set var1 = myfile\exemple1
anyone can point to what I'm missing ?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1604
Reputation: 24476
If you for /?
in a cmd console, you'll see runtime variables on the last couple of pages. Using %%~dpG
notation you can get the full drive\path specification of matched files. Then, using substring substitution and delayed expansion, replace %CD%
with nothing. Finally, you can strip the leading and trailing backslash with a numeric substring -- !varname:~1,-1!
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "c:\%username%\testFolder\Program\OLD\"
for /R %%G in (test.t?t) do (
set "var1=%%~dpG"
set "var1=!var1:%CD%=!"
if "!var1!"=="\" (echo .\) else echo(!var1:~1,-1!
If you wish, you can prevent echoing duplicates by echoing only if the previous match does not equal the current one.
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
cd /d "c:\%username%\testFolder\Program\OLD\"
for /R %%G in (test.t?t) do (
set "var1=%%~dpG"
set "var1=!var1:%CD%=!"
if not "!var1!"=="!prev!" (
if "!var1!"=="\" (echo .\) else echo(!var1:~1,-1!
set "prev=!var1!"
Upvotes: 2